This week I come with another macro. I met Ramaria Formosa during my sunday walk in another beech forest in Katowice, southern Poland. This fungi is toxic for humans, and can be distinguished by U-shaped bifurcations.
It's weird because during my walk I didn't pick a single edible mushroom I'd know but plenty of other species. Only after I got to know that Amanita Rubescens is tasty but not that popular. I add the picture as a bonus one.
Great close up, thanks! Btw what do you call this mushroom in Polish? I just google checked and we call it "kuřátka sličná" in Czech, which literally means something like "beautiful little chickens" :D
That's so sweet!
In Polish it's called "Koralówka strojna" which might be loosely translated as well-dressed coral.
Hehe, also cute ;)