Fuimos de paseo a nuestra plaza Bolivar a distraernos del día a día y para que mi hijo disfrutara con sus amiguitos, jugaron un buen rato, luego nos dimos cuenta que la mascota del lugar había bajado, se trata de una iguana súper mansa la cuál pude fotografiar sin ningún problema ya que ella se desplazaba muy lento por el medio de la plaza, no huye con los niños se quedaba súper tranquila,creo que está acostumbrado a este tipo de ruidos, ya que es una de la más concurrida, me atrevería a decir que del estado, los niños súper contentos porque no habían tenido la oportunidad de ver a tan lindo animal a poca distancia, claro siempre respetando la distancia para que no se sintiera atacada, aunque creo que se da muy bien con los humanos que día tras día visitan está hermosa plaza de nuestro pueblo!
We went for a walk to our Plaza Bolivar to distract ourselves from day to day life and so that my son could enjoy himself with his friends, they played for a while, then we realized that the local mascot had come down, it is a super tame iguana which I could photograph without any problem since she moved very slowly through the middle of the square, she did not run away with the children, she remained super calm, I think she is used to this type of noise, since it is one of the busiest, I would dare to To say that from the state, the children were super happy because they had not had the opportunity to see such a beautiful animal at a short distance, of course always respecting the distance so that it did not feel attacked, although I think it does very well with humans who day after day day they visit this beautiful square in our town!
Las fotos las tomé con mi teléfono inteligente redmi 10
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Muchas bendiciones
I took the photos with my redmi 10 smartphone
Thank you for visiting my blog
I'll wait for you in a future content
many blessings