Pollitos al escape/Chickens on the run [Esp/Eng]

in WE ARE MOVING2 years ago


Pollitos al escape

Hola Comunidad, bienvenidos sean todos.
Hace un tiempo, en familia quisimos realizar un proyecto de cría de pollos. Hoy vemos materializado este trabajo. Decidimos escoger un espacio de la casa para realizar una jaula de un metro por dos metros, todo esto llevo su período de duración porque queríamos reutilizar materiales para reducir costos y nos tardamos en conseguirlos. Luego de ese proceso de recolección de materiales de segunda mano y reciclados, se produjo la fabricación de una casita para pollos, donde ellos no quisieran escapar. Así empezamos este proyecto.
Luego de haber escogido la parte del terreno y delimitado los espacios, se creó un pequeño brocal de cemento dónde iba sujetado la envestidura de malla o enrejado, aplicando puntos de soldadura y amarres de alambre. Luego se le coloco el techo y quedó casi lista. En esa oportunidad el trabajo quedó hasta allí.

Luego de un mes aproximadamente, se procedió a realizar la instalación de iluminación. Cuando los pollitos están muy pequeños, se les coloca un bombillo con doble propósito. Primero, para iluminar la jaula, así puedan comer y beber agua. Segundo, el calor que genera el bombillo incandescente le proporciona la aclimatizacion adecuada para estás aves.

Después de terminado ese proceso nos fuimos emocionados a comprar estás avecitas amarillas que crecen demasiado rápido. Compramos 12 pollitos. Piyan tan bajito cuando están chiquitos, pero al cabo de unas semanas ya eran adolescentes. En su espacio se veían acojedores hasta que crecieron mucho y se pusieron gordos. Estos pollos no se escaparon ni de el sartén.

Los pollos criados en casa aportan muchos beneficios, cómo: ahorro a mediano plazo, son criados sanamente, su sabor es muy distinto, tú mismo estás al tanto de su crecimiento y procedencia, también tienes comida por un tiempo mientras vas llenando su casita de más pollos.
Así se pudo realizar este proyecto para poder percibir comida en casa y ayudarnos mutuamente con nuestra familia.
Estos pollos llegaron a pesar 3.5 kg y hasta 4.0

Inténtalo y tomarás la riendas de tu propia granja!

Editor de fotos: Canvas e Inshot. Fotos : Cámara Redmi 10C
Tradución realizada con https://www.deepl.com/es/translator

Desireé Velásquez [Desivel]
Discord: desivel#4973


Chickens on the run

Hello Community, welcome to all of you.
Some time ago, as a family we wanted to carry out a chicken breeding project. Today we see this work materialized. We decided to choose a space in the house to make a cage of one meter by two meters, all this took some time because we wanted to reuse materials to reduce costs and it took us some time to get them. After this process of collecting second hand and recycled materials, we produced a little house for chickens, where they would not want to escape. That's how we started this project.
After having chosen the part of the land and delimited the spaces, a small cement curbstone was created where the mesh or trellis covering was fastened, applying welding points and wire ties. Then the roof was placed and it was almost ready. In that opportunity the work was left until there.

After about one month, we proceeded to install the lighting. When the chicks are very young, a light bulb is placed in the cage for two purposes. First, to illuminate the cage so they can eat and drink water. Second, the heat generated by the incandescent bulb provides adequate acclimatization for these birds.

After that process was finished we excitedly went to buy these little yellow birds that grow too fast. We bought 12 chicks. They are so small when they are little, but after a few weeks they were already teenagers. They looked cozy in their space until they got too big and fat. These chicks didn't even escape from the frying pan.

The chickens raised at home bring many benefits, such as: savings in the medium term, they are raised in a healthy way, their taste is very different, you yourself are aware of their growth and origin, you also have food for a while while you are filling their house with more chickens.
This is how we were able to realize this project in order to be able to have food at home and help each other and our family.
These chickens weighed up to 3.5 kg and up to 4.0 kg.

Try it and you will take the reins of your own farm!

Photo editor: Canvas and Inshot. Photos : Redmi 10C Camera
Translation made with https://www.deepl.com/es/translator

Desireé Velásquez [Desivel] Desireé Velásquez [Desivel].
Discord: desivel#4973


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Thank you 🤗 What good information😃

De nada @desivel 🌹

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¡Muchas gracias!

We appreciate your work and your post has been manually curated by zoology team (oscurity,nelinoeva) on behalf of Amazing Nature Community. Keep up the good work!

Totally grateful for taking me into account!☺️🎊💖

amazing experience
We appreciate your work and your post was manually curated by @none! from the DNA team!

Reach us on Discord to learn more about the project!

Hello @desivel!

How wonderful. Thank you very much ☺️🤗💕...