Mantis religiosa en el patio de la casa/Praying mantis in the yard of the house [esp/eng]

in WE ARE MOVING4 years ago

Hola amigos de #amazingnature, espero que lo estén pasando muy bien.

Hello friends of #amazingnature, I hope you are having a great time.

Les traigo una foto que tomé de un pequeño insecto que encontré en mi casa. Se la conoce como mantis religiosa.

I bring you a photo that I took of a small insect that I found in my house. It is known as a praying mantis.


Investigue un poco y encontré que debe su nombre a sus patas delanteras que están recogidas en forma de la posición para orar, viven en lugares como huertos o pastizales donde pueden camuflarse por su color verde y comerse pequeños insectos y tienen un promedio de vida de un año.

I did some research and discovered that it owes its name to its front legs that are gathered in the form of a prayer position, they live in places like orchards or grasslands where they can camouflage themselves by their green color and eat small insects and have an average life of one year.




La encontré en mi casa y le saqué algunas fotos para compartir con ustedes, espero que les hayan gustado. En algunas creencias, la mantis representa la piedad o el espiritualismo y encontrarlas en casa puede significar que los ángeles te vigilan.

I found her at my house and I took some photos of her to share with you, I hope you liked them. In some beliefs, the mantis represents piety or spiritualism and finding them at home can mean that angels are watching over you.


Very interesting and informative!

Good job, keep it up :)

thanks for the support

@tipu curate

thanks for the support