Hola mi comunidad de #amazingnature espero estén muy bien.
Hello my #amazingnature community I hope you are very well.
Hoy quiero hablarles sobre los sapos. He tenido mucha curiosidad por los insectos y algunos de estos anfibios la verdad me gusta mucho experimentar y compartir con ustedes estos temas muy diferentes.
Today I want to talk to you about toads. I have been very curious about insects and some of these amphibians I really like to experiment and share with you these very different topics.
Por lo investigado en la red estos anfibios viven escondidos en temporada de verano escondiéndose en refugios subterráneos. Y cuando llega la lluvia salen de su escondite ya que pueden detectar la lluvia con detectores sismicos en el oído interno
According to what has been researched online, these amphibians live hidden in the summer season by hiding in underground shelters. And when the rain comes, they come out of their hiding place since they can detect the rain with seismic detectors in the inner ear.
Acá les muestro algunas fotografías de este anfibio.
Here I show you some photographs of this amphibian.
We appreciate your work and your post has been manually curated by zoology team (oscurity,nelinoeva) on behalf of Amazing Nature Community. Keep up the good work!
any recommendations, did you just say: "research on the internet"? where ? on which page? It is important to place the source from where you get any scientific information! I have many experiences with toads. I worked with Bufo. Bufo I can't distinguish but it looks like a common toad! in the next post you can try harder and give us more scientific content, there is a lot on the web hugs!