Los cerditos de la granja/The pigs on the farm [esp/eng]

in WE ARE MOVING4 years ago

Hola estimada comunidad #amazingnature bendiciones a todos.

Hello dear #amazingnature community blessings to all.

Les traigo unas fotografías de una amiguitos lechoncitos que acaban de nacer, de visita en la granja de mi abuelo me encantaron ver sus hermosos cochinitos, la mama lleva el nombre de Jacki y dio a luz a 4 hermosos cerditos dos machos y dos hembras.

I bring you some photographs of a little piggy friends that have just been born, visiting my grandfather's farm I loved seeing their beautiful piglets, the mother is named Jacki and she gave birth to 4 beautiful piglets, two males and two females.



También le tome fotografías a otros miembros de la familia de cerditos.

I also took pictures of other members of the pig family.

El es tito.

He is Tito.


Los Trillizos son Yaya, Yatu y Yiyo.

The Triplets are Yaya, Yatu and Yiyo


Y por aquí tenemos a Roque.

And here we have Roque.


Me encanta esta familia de cerditos y sabían ustedes que estos animales pueden llegar a pesar 350kg y vivir de 15 a 20 años la cría de estos animales no es fácil porque soy muy comelones y consumen mucho tiempo y dedicación para tenerlos sanos, gorditos y limpios.

I love this family of piglets and did you know that these animals can weigh 350kg and live from 15 to 20 years raising these animals is not easy because they are eaters and consume a lot of time and dedication to keep them healthy, chubby and clean.



We appreciate your work and your post has been manually curated by zoology team (oscurity,nelinoeva) on behalf of Amazing Nature Community. Keep up the good work!

I love this family of piglets and did you know that these animals can weigh 350kg and live from 15 to 20 years raising these animals is not easy because they are eaters and consume a lot of time and dedication to keep them healthy, chubby and clean. ? who says that? important to place the source from where the information is extracted my friend! If it is your property then write the information comes from my intellect! hugs we hope to see you again!