Autumn evening colors

in WE ARE MOVING2 years ago

Hi to all!

I live in Ukraine. There is a war going on in my country right now and it's very scary, because you don't know what awaits you in the next moment.

Today I want to share with you a photo from my recent walk. In our difficult time, everyone probably needs rest and time to calm down a little and distract from the stress in which we all live now.

Personally, walks in nature give me strength. Even just breathing fresh air and watching a beautiful sunset is already a small happiness.
I would really like to be able to enjoy the sunset like in "The Little Prince" by Exuper. There the boy lived on such a small planet that in order to look at the sunset once more, it was enough to move the chair a few steps.
The evening was cold and windy, especially near the water.

Swans swam near the shore and several ducks settled. It is very interesting to watch them. Especially for the graceful swimming of adult swans and their babies, who have not yet completely changed their plumage and have gray necks and backs.

A little later, when the sun had almost set, the wind died down and it became much warmer. The evening crept up to the streets and houses... One could hear how the echoes of the sounds of the provincial town slowly receded, giving the opportunity to hear the sounds of nature - there a little fish jumped over the water, a little further, dogs barked around the huts, protecting their homes, sometimes a duck quacked, the reeds slowly rustled, when a faint breeze touches them...
It is pleasant to watch how the colors of the sky and the outlines of the clouds change. How they are reflected in the water - a shimmering restless mirror. All this inspires and soothes, supports and helps to live on.

Thank you! I wish everyone good and peace!


I love every shot. I do hope you, you family and the people around you are safe and sound and that war stops. Stay safe as possible!

Thank you very much for your kind words and support! I wish you peace and goodness too!

You're welcome! I hope to hear you more.