[ENG/ESP] Strange shaped butterfly/ Mariposa de forma extraña.

in WE ARE MOVING3 years ago
Authored by @Eliezerdiaz21


Hello friends, today I will talk about this large butterfly which caught my attention because it has been perched on the same spot for several hours.

I like the combination of colors and among them a violet stands out at the top.

Something that worries me about her is that she has a broken wing, which makes it difficult for her to fly.

Hola amigos, hoy les hablaré de esta mariposa de gran tamaño la cual llamo mi atención debido a que lleva varias horas posada sobre el mismo sitio.

Me gusta la combinación de colores y entre ellos destaca un violeta en la parte de arriba.

Algo que me preocupa de ella es que posee un ala rota, la cual se le dificulta para volar.


They are always in danger at any time with any dangerous animal that approaches them.

They should not be touched, because they have a spore that can blind us when they fall into our eyes and it would be dangerous if we do.

These photos were taken from a samsung A32 phone.

I hope you like the post, greetings and blessings.

Ellas siempre corren peligro a cualquier hora con cualquier animal peligroso que se les acerque.

No se deben tocar, porque posee una espora que al caernos en los ojos nos puede cegar y seria peligroso si lo hacemos.

Estas fotografias fueron tomadas de un telefono samsung A32.

Espero que el post les sea de su agrado, saludos y bendiciones.


every living thing has its population, many kinds of butterflies choose their diverse populations and types, we see this in the wild, explore it, out around us in nature we meet many butterflies that fly and land on every flower which is in the garden of our yard. really nice photo of butterfly with brown color.