Soñé que, un vecino mataba a un perro, el tipo de alegría gritaba, mientras el perro de dolor siendo degollado gemía, yo confundido sin saber lo que ocurría, me llegaba un mensaje de unos deudores burlándose me decían que jamás me pagarían, que webon fui y webon quedaría
(WEBON: de la jerga Venezolana, puede significarse BOBO, ILUSO... )
I dreamt that a neighbor killed a dog, the guy shouted for joy, while the dog groaned in pain as its throat was slit, I was confused without knowing what was happening, I got a message from some debtors mocking me, they told me that they would never pay me, that I was webon and I would remain webon.
(WEBON: from the Venezuelan slang, it can mean stupid,
dreamer )
en eso una intuición me decía que, los ya antes mencionados cerca de mi estacionados en un camión retozaban mientras de mi se burlaban, mientras llegaba uno de ellos en el retrovisor se percata de mi llegada... cuan escapistas a sus responsabilidades huían...
At that moment my intuition told me that the aforementioned people parked near me in a truck were frolicking while they were making fun of me, while one of them was arriving in the rearview mirror and noticed my arrival... they were running away like escapists from their responsibilities...
Al ver que me acercaba, chola y volante piraban... acto siguiente en una quebrada cerca de mi casa caían...aun sintiendo culpa me dije, no siempre mala hierba nunca muere...mirando lo visto, huía... en mi llegada a la casa, mi memoria nublada recordaba lo sucedido con mi abuela_
(piraban: de la jerga Venezolana se iban)
When they saw me approaching, chola and volante piraban... the next act they fell in a ravine near my house...even feeling guilty I said to myself, weeds never die...looking at what I saw, I fled... on my arrival at the house, my memory clouded, I remembered what had happened with my grandmother_ (piraban: from Venezuelan slang: they left).
(piraban: from the Venezuelan slang they were leaving)
semanas pasadas, esta vez similitudes conjugaban mi memoria al infartar el cuerpo de mi tía, mientras la resucitaba, mi consciente despierto aun dormido gritaba, PAPÀ PAPÀA... Mi memoria jugaba conmigo aun dormido...
weeks ago, this time similarities conjugated my memory when I infarcted my aunt's body, while I was resuscitating her, my awake consciousness, still asleep, was shouting, DADDY DADDY... My memory played with me while I was still asleep...
El inglés no es mi rama lingüística, para translate usé: Traducido con (versión gratuita)
English is not my linguistic branch, for translate I used: Translated with (free version)
link de la procedencia de la foto
link to the source of the photo