
in WE ARE MOVING5 years ago (edited)

Those little flowers crack me up every time I see them. Do you see it to? Or is it just me? Small puppets with big mouth sticking their tongue out?

Now listen....

Wasssuuuuppppp Barry?

Arisarum simorrhinum zeiss bokeh 1.jpg

Wassuuupppp Tod?

Arisarum simorrhinum zeiss bokeh 2.jpg

Those are called Arisarum simorrhinum. Quite a common wildflower around here that blooms in winter and early spring. The boom is maybe 4 cm long with another few cm for the stem. Not big, but the their look is enough to like them.

They will grow those big, green leaves and cover large areas. In moister areas the flowers are often hidden among them (photos below), but there can be hundredths of them! In sunnier spots (like the ones above) the leaves will die back sooner and grow smaller. When the weather properly heats up the plant will go dormant. They will produce a little potato that stays deep in the soil and waits for the next season.

All photos were taken in my local park when I went to catch some mushrooms.

Arisarum simorrhinum zeiss bokeh 3.jpg

Arisarum simorrhinum zeiss bokeh 4.jpg

Song for tonight :)
Following yesterday's post, we stay with Massive Attack and one of my most fav songs of that band.

Headphones on, volume up, enjoy!

Shot with Sony a7 + Carl Zeiss Flektogon 2.4 35mm lens
(1/3200, ISO1250)
All photos and text are my own.

Q banner.png



Bang, I did it again... I just rehived your post!
Week 21 of my contest just started...you can now check the winners of the previous week!

I have picked your post for my daily hive voting initiative, Keep it up and Hive On!!

Thank you :)

Hahaha, those are cool!

I know :D I love to see them around!

Huh, I've seen flowers similar to that but never opened in quite that manner. That's really cool

Get them some beer :) Maybe they are just shy..

A very different flower! So cool!

So cool indeed!!
There is another type around with smaller blooms.

 5 years ago  

Haha, these look sooo cool ^^ They really look like little nature spirits that are hanging around. I never saw these before to be honest, but I already love them ;) .. Thanks for sharing this awesome fellows with us !

It could be that they grow only in warm climates. I never saw them in Poland, but here in Portugal they are all over the place. And few types too :)

Typically (from my reading and viewing) they grow larger, and generally poor soil conditions, hence the need to supplement their food income by enticing insects down into their pitchers to be dissolved and digestedThose are a form of "Pitcher plant" are they not @ewkaw? Though I had no idea they could grow and thrive that small.

No, they are not related to Pitcher plants and are not part of the carnivorous. Just look like that I guess :)
They do attract flies to go inside though as pollinators, but will not "eat" them.

In Cyprus, in a protected natural zone, there are a lot of similar flowers.
They are slightly different, I have a photo of them.

Hope you post them :)
I am almost sure you have those too. The climate is very similar.

I'll post their photos sometime.
Next time I will look for the same.