


How do you even post those gifs here? I can’t see an option to find any!

You can do that from Which frontend do you use?

Mostly Ecency on my phone. That said, I really need to put the phone down and go take a shower. I spent more of my Saturday here 😂💙

Oh I don't know if its possible on Ecency. I don't use it all and I am mostly on laptop so I prefer or

I spent more of my Saturday here

You are so hooked :D :D

On my laptop I try all the front ends too, but I like it on my phone as it’s quicker for me to type and interact.

Yes, sooo hooked! I need to get ready and go dance my night away now 😁 Get some real life adventure! Although this one here is very real too!

Enjoy your night out :)
An put the phone down! :p