filip-psiho cross-posted this post in WE ARE MOVING 3 years ago

Nedeljna šetnja, do kampa na bregu - Sunday walk, to the camp on the hill

in BANAT3 years ago


Podrav svima.
Juce sam isao sa svojim klubom "Krav Maga" do naseg kampa na bregu.
Prvo smo se svi okupili u 10:00h ispred nase sale.

Hi to everyone. Yesterday I went with my club "Krav Maga" to our camp on the hill.
First we all gathered at 10:00 in front of our hall.


Zatim smo svi seli u automobile i krenuli ka nasem odredistu.
Isli smo kolima dokle smo mogli pa zatim 3,5km setnje.

Then we all got in the cars and headed to our destination.
We drove as far as we could and then a 3.5km walk.








Kao sto mozete videti nije bas lako stici do tamo.
Ima puno blata,vode i snega i raznih prepreka.
Ali vredi jer vidis predivnu prirodu i udises svez vazduh.

As you can see, it's not easy to get there.
There is a lot of mud, water and snow and various obstacles.
But it is worth it because you see the beautiful nature and breathe fresh air.


I na kraju posle sve te naporne setnje stigli smo.

And finally, after all that hard walking, we arrived.




Kao sto vidite imamo male kolibe koje nisu zavrsene ali se trudimo da do leta napravimo par koliba i vojni teren sa preprekama.
Imamo 1.000 kvadrata placa i mozemo mnogo toga sto cete videti malo kasnije.
U svakom trenutko mozemo naici na bilo koju divlju zivotinju poput: divlje svinje, jelena ili srndaca.

As you can see, we have small huts that are not finished, but we are trying to build a couple of huts and a military field with obstacles by the summer.
We have 1,000 square meters of land and we can see a lot later.
At any time we can come across any wild animal like: wild boar, deer or roe deer.



Zatim smo zapalili vatru pomocu suve trave, grancica, malo vate i najbitnije kresivo.
kresivo je mala alatka za prezivljavanje.
Sastoji se od dva dela jedan deo je magnezijumska plocica a drugi je deo za varnicenje.
Ono se koristi tako sto se deo za varnicenje povuce preko magnezijumske plocice i tako se stvara varnica koja pali suvu travu i vatu.
Zatim smo stavili suve grancice pa posle malo deblje.

Then we lit a fire with dry grass, twigs, a little cotton wool and most importantly a firecracker.
kresivo is a small survival tool.
It consists of two parts, one part is a magnesium plate and the other part is for sparking.
It is used by pulling the sparking part over the magnesium plate and thus creating a spark that ignites dry grass and cotton wool.
Then we put dry twigs and then a little thicker.


Kao sto sam rekao malo deblje😂.
Naravno salim se nakon sto je vatra dovoljno velika stavljamo deblje drvece.

Like I said a little thicker😂.
Of course I joke after the fire is big enough we put thicker trees.



dok se neki zabavljaju sa vatrom neki se zabavljaju tako sto pucaju iz vazdusne puske.

while some have fun with fire some have fun by firing from an air rifle.


Ovo je jedan mali deo nase opreme.
kao sto mozete videti tu je vazdusna puska, samostrel, luk i strela, maceta i naravno radio stanica za koju cete posle cuti za sta sluzi.

This is a small part of our equipment.
as you can see there is an air rifle, crossbow, bow and arrow, machete and of course a radio station for which you will later hear what it is for.


Ovde smo spremali nas rucak koji su cinile kobasice i cevapi, a za predjelo smo jeli suvo meso i slanine.
Posle rucka su se neki zasladili sa slatkisima a neki sa rumom i koka kolom.
Nkon sto su svima puni stomaci krecemo na pravu zabavu.
Podelili smo se u dve grupe uzeli nase radio stanice i primali naredjenda od naseg trenera.
Jedna grupa je isla na juzni deo a druga na severni.
Moja grupa je isla na sever.

Here we prepared our lunch, which consisted of sausages and cevapi, and we ate dried meat and bacon as an appetizer.
After lunch, some sweetened up with sweets and some with rum and Coca-Cola.
After everyone's stomachs are full, we start a real party.
We split into two groups took our radio stations and received orders from our coach.
One group went to the south and the other to the north.
My group went north.


Krenuli smo ka severu ali smo imali poteskoce jer je put bio jako strm i nismo mogli dalje pa smo zatrazili od baze promenu rute na jug.
Baza je odobrila promenu rute pa smo zatim krenuli na jug.

We headed north but we had difficulties because the road was very steep and we could not go further, so we asked the base to change the route to the south.
The base approved the change of route, so we headed south.



Ovde smo stali i napravili pauzu po naredjenju baze pa smo se zatim vratili u bazu.
Cim smo se vratili na stanici smo culi da se druga grupa malo izgubila pa smo po naredjenju baze krenuli na ih pronadjemo i vratimo u bazu.
Nakon pet minuta naisli smo na njih i bezbedno se svi vratili u bazu.
Odmorili smo nekih petnaest minuta i zatim krenuli ka automobilima.

We stopped here and took a break on the orders of the base, and then we returned to the base.
As soon as we returned to the station we heard that the other group got a little lost so we went on the order of the base to find them and return to the base.
After five minutes we came across them and they all safely returned to base.
We rested for about fifteen minutes and then headed for the cars.







Naravo tu je i predivan pogled na vinograde i Karpate koje cete videti u naredne tri fotografije.

Of course, there is a beautiful view of the vineyards and the Carpathians, which you will see in the next three photos.





Ovde mozete videti koliko nas je islo a bilo nas je oko dvadeset.

Here you can see how many of us went and there were about twenty of us.


Naravno jos predivnih pogleda ali ovog puta na grad.

Of course more beautiful views but this time on the city.





I na kraju stizemo do automobila i zavrsavamo nasu vanaturu do 15:00h kao sto smo i planirali.
Seli smo u automobile i krenuli ka sali gde je svako otisao kuci.
Po meni ovo je bila jedna predivna i produktivna nedelja svi smo se lepo proveli i naucili mnogo toga.
Nadam se da vam se svideo moj post do sledeceg uzivajte.

And finally we get to the car and finish our vanatura by 15:00 as we planned.
We got in the cars and headed to the hall where everyone went home.
In my opinion, this was a wonderful and productive week, we all had a great time and learned a lot.
I hope you enjoyed my post until the next enjoy.

Pozdrav od Mikija 🇷🇸
Greetings from Miky 🇺🇸