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Bienvenidos Queridos Amantes de la Fotografía
Possibly, many must know the passion fruit (parchita is called here in Venezuela), but I assure you, very few know the small fruit that I will share with you today, you can say that it is one of its smaller cousins, hahaha. Since I was a child, I knew it by the name of Tagua Tagua, I saw it growing wild in vacant lots and roadsides. I was always struck by the fact that they were like seeing tiny passion fruit, but we were never allowed to eat them, they said they were bird food and threatened us that we would get a tummy ache if we ate them.
Solo fue hasta mi adolescencia, que me atrevía a probarla y me di cuenta que no solo se parecía por fuera, al maracuyá, también por dentro era exactamente, solo que el sabor es un poco distinto, es menos acido e intenso, eso sí, mucho más dulce. Recientemente, volví a encontrarme con una planta de Tagua Tagua y decidí fotografiarla para compartir las imágenes con ustedes, así mismo, como un poco de información de esta interesante enredadera.
It was only in my adolescence that I dared to try it and I realized that it was not only similar to passion fruit on the outside, it was exactly the same on the inside, only the flavor is a little different, it is less acidic and intense, but much sweeter. Recently, I came across a Tagua Tagua plant again and decided to photograph it to share the images with you, as well as some information about this interesting vine.
Gracias a mi investigación, aprendí muchas cosas sobre esta especie trepadora, primeramente, descubrí el nombre con el que se le denomina a nivel científico, el cual es Passiflora foetida. También los nombres comunes con los cuales las personas la conocen, les colocaré a continuación los más comunes: Granadilla Silvestre, Burucuyá Fétido, Cibey, Caguasa, Maracuyá Silvestre, Parcha Silvestre, Parchita de Culebra, Murucuja, Corona de Cristo, Bedoca, Ñorbo Hediondo y Pedón.
Thanks to my research, I learned many things about this climbing species, first of all, I discovered the name by which it is called at the scientific level, which is Passiflora foetida. Also the common names with which people know it, I will place below the most common ones: wild passion fruit, “burucuyá fétido”, “cibey”, “caguasa”, “parchita de culebra”, “murucuja”, crown of Christ, “bedoca”, “Ñorbo hediondo”, “pedón”.
Esta liana trepadora perenne, es originaria de la zona norte de Suramérica, y las Antillas, y pertenece a la familia Passifloraceae y al género Passiflora. Aunque aquí en Venezuela se desarrolla de forma silvestre, en algunos lugares es cultivada como planta ornamental, utilizándola para formar setos e incluso es usada con fines agroforestales. Sin embargo, como se caracteriza por tener un desarrollo rápido, se debe tener cuidado con ella, porque, si no se controla adecuadamente se corre el riesgo de que se vuelva una maleza invasiva.
This perennial climbing vine is native to northern South America and the Antilles, and belongs to the Passifloraceae family and the genus Passiflora. Although here in Venezuela it grows wild, in some places it is cultivated as an ornamental plant, used to form hedges and is even used for agroforestry purposes. However, as it is characterized by its rapid development, care must be taken with it, because if it is not properly controlled there is a risk that it will become an invasive weed.
Al igual que otras especies del género Passiflora, posee un tallo delgado y ramificado, desarrollando a lo largo de su extensión una especie de pequeños resortes, recubiertos de una vellosidad como pegajosa. Estas estructuras son las que le permite a la planta trepar aferrándose a lo que encuentre en su camino.
Like other species of the genus Passiflora, it has a thin and branched stem, developing along its length a kind of small springs, covered with a sticky hairiness. These structures are the ones that allow the plant to climb, clinging to whatever it finds on its way.
Por otro lado, sus hojas dispuestas de forma alterna en torno al tallo, tienen una textura arrugada y como pueden apreciar en las imágenes, en cuanto a su forma se encuentran subdivididas en 3 segmentos, que da la impresión de pétalos. Se encuentran recubiertas de vellosidad y miden de largo entre 5 y 9 cm y de ancho entre 3 y 8 cm, además, poseen la peculiaridad que despiden un fuerte y desagradable olor.
On the other hand, its leaves arranged alternately around the stem, have a wrinkled texture and as you can see in the pictures, in terms of its shape are subdivided into 3 segments, which gives the impression of petals. They are covered with hairs and measure between 5 and 9 cm long and between 3 and 8 cm wide, they also have the peculiarity that they give off a strong and unpleasant odor.
Aunque no tuve la oportunidad de fotografiar las flores, debido a que solo abren en la mañana, les comento que, exceptuando obviamente las dimensiones, ya que, son considerablemente más pequeñas, son muy semejantes a las de la flor del maracuyá.
Although I did not have the opportunity to photograph the flowers, since they only open in the morning, I can tell you that, except obviously for the dimensions, since they are considerably smaller, they are very similar to those of the passion fruit flower.
En cuanto a su baya, que llega a medir aproximadamente 3 cm, se desarrolla encerrada dentro de una especie de malla esférica formada por varias brácteas y que la protege. Inicialmente son de color verde profundo, pero en la medida que madura, va cambiando de color hasta volverse amarillo. Son comestibles, sin embargo, es necesario esperar a que estén maduros, para poder consumirlos, ya que, de lo contrario, son tóxicos por su alto contenido de cianuro. Al abrirlos, en su interior, se encuentra muchas semillitas negras, cubiertas, por una pulpa blanca, con un aromático aroma dulzón. El sabor de la pulpa es similar al del Maracuyá, sin embargo, es menos acido, siendo una rica mezcla entre dulzura y acides.
As for its berry, which measures approximately 3 cm, it develops enclosed within a kind of spherical mesh formed by several bracts that protect it. Initially they are deep green in color, but as they ripen, they change color until they turn yellow. They are edible; however, it is necessary to wait until they are ripe before eating them, otherwise they are toxic due to their high cyanide content. When they are opened, inside, there are many little black seeds, covered by a white pulp, with an aromatic sweet aroma. The taste of the pulp is similar to passion fruit, however, it is less acidic, being a rich mixture of sweetness and acidity.
Aunque, al parecer en algunos lugares es muy apreciada debido a su uso en el ámbito gastronómico para aromatizar bebidas y de la medicina natural para tratar algunas afecciones respiratorias y del sistema digestivo. Es necesario resaltar, que se debe usar con mucha precaución, ya que, todas las partes de la planta contienen sustancias tóxicas, a excepción de los frutos maduros, como ya les comenté anteriormente.
Although, apparently in some places it is very appreciated due to its use in the gastronomic field to aromatize drinks and in natural medicine to treat some respiratory and digestive system affections. It is necessary to emphasize that it should be used with great caution, since all parts of the plant contain toxic substances, except for the ripe fruits, as I mentioned above.
Para finalizar, les quiero comentar un hecho sumamente curioso sobre esta especie enredadera, resulta, que posee un mecanismo de protección, bastante peculiar, las brácteas que protegen las flores y luego los frutos, son capaces de atrapar y matar pequeños insectos. Sin embargo, a diferencia de las plantas carnívoras, esta no tiene la capacidad de digerirlo o extraer sus nutrientes, es por ello, que a este tipo de plantas se le denomina proto-carnívora.
Finally, I want to tell you a very curious fact about this species of vine, it turns out that it has a protection mechanism, quite peculiar, the bracts that protect the flowers and then the fruits, are able to catch and kill small insects. However, unlike carnivorous plants, this one does not have the ability to digest it or extract its nutrients, which is why this type of plant is called a proto-carnivore.
Amazing Nature Contest: FREE TOPIC - #1/11/22. Mis mejores deseos bienestar y salud para todos, Dios los bendiga. Hasta la Próxima.Bueno, mis queridos lectores, no me queda más que despedirme, espero, que la información y fotografías que les compartí en esta ocasión, haya sido del agrado de todos, muy especialmente de @bucipuci, @adalger y todo el equipo de trabajo de @dna y @amazingnature, ya que, es mi entrada para el concurso de esta semana, al cual, si quieren participar, pueden acceder dando clip, al siguiente link
Amazing Nature Contest: FREE TOPIC - #1/11/22. Best wishes for well-being and health to all, God Bless. See you next time.Well, my dear readers, I just have to say goodbye, I hope, that the information and photographs that I shared this time, have been to everyone's liking, especially to @bucipuci, @adalger and the whole team of @dna and @amazingnature, since it is my entry for this week's contest, which, if you want to participate, you can access by clicking on the following link
Bibliographic References || Referencias Bibliográficas
Contenido y fotografías de mi propiedad intelectual
Información Técnica
Cámara | Pentax * istDL |
Lente | * Pentax 18-55 |
Iluminación | Luz Natural |
Locación | Barcelona, Estado Anzoátegui, Venezuela |
Content and photographs of my intellectual property
Technical information
Camera | Pentax * istDL |
Lens | * Pentax 18-55 |
Lighting | Natural Light |
Location | Barcelona, Anzoátegui State, Venezuela |

Thank you for entering the contest.
Another great article from your production, packed with information, will surely be the "decoration" of the competition.
It is always a pleasure to participate, I enjoy it very much. Grateful for your words, health and blessings for you and yours 🤗
Your joy can be seen in your articles.
Thank you for the blessing.
Te felicito, muchos éxitos.Hola @francyrios75 chevere que pudistes probar esa fruta, buen explicado tu post.
Hola, gracias por tu visita, me alegra que te gustara. Salud y bendiciones para ti y los tuyos 🤗
Siempre agradecida @brumest de recibir tu apoyo y del equipo de @qurator. Salud y bendiciones para todos ustedes.
I appreciate your work and your post has been manually curated by Botanic team @oscurity on behalf of Amazing Nature Community. Keep up the good work!
Hello @oscurity, always grateful for your support and that of the Botanic team. Health and blessings to you, the entire Botanic team and Amazing Nature in general.
thanks for sharing
We appreciate your work and your post was manually curated by @none! from the DNA team!
Reach us on Discord to learn more about the project!
Hello @francyrios75!Muchas gracias @none por apoyo, les deseo salud y bendiciones a ti y a todo el equipo de trabajo de @dna.org
Yay! 🤗
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Wow! That passiflora of yours is absolutely fascinating 🤩 You were right, I’ve never seen one like this before. I also love how you edited your pictures 💙
Thanks for your visit, I'm glad you liked it. Health and blessings to you and yours 🤗
Thank you and the same to you 💙
Gracias por compartirlo, no conocía esta planta.
Hola bienvenido, siempre es un placer compartir mi trabajo con todos los amantes de la fotografía y la naturaleza. Salud y bendiciones para ti y los tuyos 🤗
Gracias, saludos