[Esp/Eng] Rana Pinguino //Penguin Frog

in WE ARE MOVING4 years ago


Hola apreciados amigos y seguidores de Hive, agradecida con Dios por estar una vez mas dandoles una nueva entrega de mis contenidos.


Hello dear friends and followers of Hive, grateful to God for being once again giving you a new installment of my content.



Este tipo de anfibio mas que todo son nocturnas se alimentan de pequeños insectos, hormigas y viven ocultas en en lodo, en la tierra o en los jardines, viven en areas tropicales existen en color negro, gris con la barriguita amarilla, Esta rana tiene forma de ovoide y su cabeza alargada, esta especie mide de 3 a 4 cm, son de extremidades cortas.


This type of amphibian, more than anything, is nocturnal, they feed on small insects, ants and live hidden in mud, on the ground or in gardens, they live in tropical areas, they exist in black, gray with a yellow belly, This frog has a shape ovoid and its head elongated, this species measures 3 to 4 cm, with short limbs.



Durante la tarde casi anocheciendo al Salir de la casa vi esta pequeña ranita, en la puerta es tan disminuta que casi no se ve, y no pude evitar capturar esta fotografias para mostrarle aunque yo le tengo fobia a estos anfibios me arme de valor para tomar los captures .


During the afternoon almost at dusk when I left the house I saw this frog, at the door it is so small that you can hardly see it, and I could not avoid capturing these photographs to show them, although I have a phobia of these amphibians. I mustered the courage to be able to capture it.




Espero que les sea de su Interes este post, gracias por apoyar bendiciones @gladiannys


I hope this post is of interest to you, thank you for supporting blessings @gladiannys


Thank you for being brave and showing something I've never seen before. It is a very interesting frog and I'm glad you took some pictures of it to share.

If it was a challenge for me to have taken those photos, thanks to you for supporting my content.