(Google translate from Czech)
A beautiful landscape, a perfect description of a flower observed, watching busy bees or the beauty of tough trees on rocky cliffs? A very difficult choice.
I still haven't come up with a transparent way of evaluating contest articles so that as many users as possible who write articles about nature can participate. I thought of peakd.com chat, but I have no experience with that. Discord seems unsatisfactory to me, but we don't have anything better yet.
I will make one attempt next week. In the article announcing the competition round, I will include links to competition articles from round #4/5/23. We will see if there are enough users who want to participate in the evaluation of the contest articles.

But now back to round #3/5/23 review.
@jlufer helped me with the rating, but even so, this rating is very subjective.

Second prize ... @jelenaa

two third prizes:


Thank you to all contestants for their contest articles.

If you have an interesting article about nature and you don't think it should "fit" in the flood of other articles on the Amazing Nature Community, enter the competitions organized by the community.

Amazing Nature Community regularly appreciates your articles and photos.
Therefore, pay attention
- a regular competition (FREE TOPIC) organized by the @bucipuci
- Amazing Nature Curation articles written by @jlufer community moderator
- THEMATIC CHALLENGE from @bucipuci
The Amazing Nature Community team is pleased with your interest in nature and welcomes all ORIGINAL articles and photos. At the same time, however, he points out that there is no place in the community for PLAGIATES.

Published photos are the property of rated authors.
The logos are the official logos of the Amazing Nature Community and the DNA community.
Thank you for choosing my post, and also congratulations to the other winners! And thank you for organizing the challenge @bucipuci!
Your diligence in photographing the diligent bee deserves it :-)
the pictures look so pretty
Felicidades a los ganadores.