We appreciate your work and that your posts have been manually curated by @tinta-tertuang on behalf of the Amazing Nature Community. Keep up the good work!
We appreciate your work and that your posts have been manually curated by @tinta-tertuang on behalf of the Amazing Nature Community. Keep up the good work!
Curating 100% text copypasta spam + photography plagiarism?@tinta-tertuang
If you keep attempting to monetize copypasta posts with no original content added, you are likely to end up on the blacklist.
Choosing someone else's photography to publish as own is not a "mistake". It is a premeditated activity.
You evidently thought that you can deceive us by claiming to be the author of this photo.
You have also been found to plagiarise the writing, not just photography:
You have just been blacklisted for an attempt to deceive us with false information.
Sorry @hivewatcher before I didn't know they did a violation, but my job here is only to curate the best posts, but if they do make a mistake, you can process it further.
No problem.
He is the source for the first photograph.
The user has just claimed to be the author of this photo. We are awaiting the verification.
Thank you, I hope this problem will be resolved and handled by you.
You have to play clean on #Hive.blog and wash your hands before sharing your content, thanks !
This user is now permanently blacklisted.@tinta-tertuang
Също имаше проблеми също.
Само авторско право.@motomojo Реши ли проблема с @hivewatchers @ivangeevo
It seems that you think that it is some sort of joke and you seem to think that you will not face the consequences for your actions.
If you were caught with plagiarism in any legit University you would be suspended and potentially face legal prosecution.
For plagiarising and then attempting to defraud it by pretending to be your own to sell (monetize) you would certainly face legal consequences.
Using wannabe another cool hippy namaste greetings and hippy attitude is a poor attempt to trivialize the situation.
We have never said that it was copypasta. It is not copypasta but pure plagiarism as the source of the author of the writing was not given.
Your post:
It was not a mistake.
You knew that the photograph is not yours but you claimed that you are the author of all photographs. Evidently you thought that you can get rid of us with this false information and we will not investigte further.
Suddenly when we asked you for the verification via that original photographer's portfolio, iyou claimed that it was a mistake.
You were already told by iliian90, 2 weeks ago about giving credit to the authors' of photography that is not yours.
Anyway, you were found to plagiarise writing in other article.
Theft of someone else's content to publish as own to monetize it, is not welcome.