Why is this banana color purple?

in WE ARE MOVING4 years ago (edited)


Hi hive lovers ..
Bananas are usually synonymous with yellow, and it has become a characteristic that the banana skin is yellow, but this is very interesting for us to examine why this type of banana is purple.

Purple banana is a type of banana from the banana sub-group originating from Southeast Asia with red pores and purple skin, this type of banana has a soft fleshy taste and a sweet taste.




I got some of these pictures, behind my friend's house, he didn't even know why the banana was purple, this banana seed was given to him by someone else.

Banana is a general name given to a type of giant herb that has large and elongated leaves, this type of plant originates from the Musaceae tribe.

Basically all types of bananas have the same benefits for human health, as well as the content contained in bananas, which distinguishes them from the shape and color and a little taste that has their own characteristics.






HUH!! I've seen yellow bananas, blue bananas but not purple bananas!