Rise and shine, lovely people, as these pretty flowers glow so fine!
Hello again, amazing nature lovers! Welcome and come with me as I have another colorful morning stroll with you. Have you read my previous write-up? If not, you can check it on my wall, and if yes, this serves as a sequel to that blog. As I went home to the countryside, one thing I really love is kicking back and relaxing with these beautiful flowers that surround me. Just this morning, I enjoyed my early-day saunter in the province. With the crisp air and amazing nature, let’s all enjoy how wonderfully this morning unfolded.
Now, first we have this desert rose, which is commonly known as the summer impala lily as well. However, here in the Philippines, we don’t call it either of these names. We usually call it Kalachuchi, and it’s often used as a bonsai plant because it’s a small tree and a succulent shrub. Besides its pretty pink flowers, it also comes in various vibrant colors, though the most common here is white. Its scientific name is Adenium obesum. How about you? What colors do you have there? What do you call it?
Second, we have the jungle flame. Oh, this is the same as what I shared last time, but this one’s color is yellow. Its scientific name is Ixora coccinea, and it comes in different colors too. Yet, we don’t actually call it jungle flame; instead, we call it Santan, a very alluring flowering plant that we often used to play with in our younger years. What do you call it where you are? Do you have similar plants?
This plant is an example of a wild flower. It's not planted by people, yet it just grows freely everywhere. Good thing it's timely; I got to stroll with this plant bearing flowers. As you can see, its petals look artificial. Its common names are snapdragon root, fever root, sheep potato, and minnieroot, or whatever names you call it in your place. Its scientific name is Ruellia tuberosa. Moreover, if you might have known, here in the Philippines, we usually call this the Popping Pod or Poppers, because this plant's seeds pop when they get wet. During elementary years, we would collect as many as we could every afternoon after school and pour water on them or get them wet with our saliva. This sounds gross, but it's super fun, I swear hahahaha. Do you have any quirky childhood games involving this plant?
Next, this is the shoeblackplant. Yes, that's the common name for this flower, but here in the Philippines, we again call this gumamela. I shared the same flower last time, but this has a different color. Its scientific name is Hibiscus rosa-sinensis. It's an ornamental flower that we often used as an additional attraction for our hair before. Sometimes, it is used as a headdress and props during photoshoots, often placed above one ear. Do you have any similar flowers or traditional uses of this in your place?
Then, we have here the Periwinkle. Periwinkle, also known as Vinca, is a genus of flowering plants that ranges from soft blue to lavender or purple. Others might also call it Madagascar Periwinkle. Additionally, some varieties may also be pink or white. Just like what I have here, it’s a pretty pink flower. Its scientific name is Catharanthus roseus. Do you have any similar plants or varieties there in your place?
As for this flower, others may call it Dwarf Mexican Petunia or Katie Ruellia, but we usually call it Katie Pink. Dwarf, yes, maybe because it's just a small plant with lush blossoms. Well, this is kinda unique because it can't be seen everywhere in our place. I've seen this flower, but not totally like everywhere.
Lastly, we have here the Canna lily, often called Indian Shot, which concludes our morning stroll. This pretty flowering plant has a scientific name, Canna indica. However, I believe it comes with different names and colors in various places. Some of these colors, aside from red, include orange, yellow, and pink. As you can see, it has large, beautiful petals. Have you seen Canna lilies in different colors?







Now, my quick flower exploration ends here. How has it been so far? Did you enjoy strolling with me? Do you have a favorite flowering plant? If so, feel free to share it with us here in this vibrant community. That's all for today. See you around amazing nature lovers!
I love the way you took photos of them miss!! Arggghh!💜
Thank you so much, miss @saixieh! Your compliment means a lot to me. 🥰🫶
You captured the flowers very nicely. It's an amazing and colorful photography.
Thank you so much, @dexxx! The flowers themselves are so beautiful, that's why. 🥰
Nice Photo's @jeannmazing
Thanks a lot, sir @intoy.bugoy! I appreciate it. ❤️❤️
My grandmother had these kind of flowers but what got stuck inside my mind was the popping pod because I always played with it along with my cousins when we were still kids😂
Right! 😂 This wild plant brings back wonderful childhood memories. I can remember how much fun this plant gave. It's super nostalgic, and I can't help but miss those times. 🥹
Me too!
I miss being a kid.
I really love the photos and also very informative about those individual flowers.☺️
Thank you so much for your kind words, miss @carmyyy! 🌸
The photos are really amazing, nice shots!
Thank you so much, @mooontivated! ❤️
I never knew that Santan is also called Jungle Flame until now. Thanks for this informative post about flowers. And yes, those popping pods brings back memories. I loved playing with its pods when I was a kid.
I can say that we really had the most memorable childhood experiences. The idea of getting to play with this wild plant says a lot. I'm happy to know that I’m able to share some info, miss @ayane-chan. 🌸
I'm quite familiar by these flowers based on their appearance but not on names, it was looking into them ate since they look so refreshing to the eyes
Me, too! I'm not familiar with these flowers’ names. I just searched everything online, through Google lens. 😂
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I observed that the flower of the popping pod and the Katie pink are the same Ma'am @jeannmazing maybe they both belong on the same family 😊
I agree, ma'am @diamondinthesky! They definitely look similar and their leaves look artificial. Have you noticed?
You are great, friend, you managed to aim at that beautiful flower perfectly. It turns out that in different places the names of flowers are also different, I just found out 😂 like the first flower at my place it's called the frangipani flower.
Thank you so much! The flowers are too beautiful to just look at through the eyes. I felt like I needed some documentation as proof of how beautiful they are and to share this with everyone. Yes, you're right; that's what makes it even more amazing. It's the same flower but with different names. 😂 Btw, frangipani is cute.
Beautiful flowers🤗
I also have periwinkle flower .
Wow! Good to hear that. It's such a beautiful flower by the way. 🌸🤍
I have this Flower in white & red color also.
I really loved the flower gumamela🥰
Same! No wonder, because the gumamela flower is super pretty. Plus, it comes in different radiant colors. ❤️✨