¨AmazingNatureContest¨ ¨March 2021¨ - #03 Una caminata al ¨fin¨ del ¨mundo¨ A walk to the ¨ end¨ of the ¨world¨ (Español-Ingles)

in WE ARE MOVING4 years ago
Me gusta mucho estar en esta maravillosa ¨Amazing NatureCommunity¨:  porque ¨amo¨ lo natural, habrán notado que más del 80% de mis publicaciones están relacionados con la naturaleza; Desde que comprendí que todo lo que escriba a diario, quedara guardado por siempre en nuestra ¨blockchain¨ de ¨Hive¨, decidí hacer publicaciones relacionada a la naturaleza, para que en unos cientos de años las personas sepan lo que sucedía en este momento aquí; Esta es una oportunidad para dejar un mensaje para tus descendientes, y darles a conocer las cosas que hacías, las cosas que amabas y a que dedicaba tu tiempo. Para aquellos jóvenes que están leyendo este post, el mensaje de hoy es que vivan la vida desde temprana edad, no esperen a tener la mayoría de edad para hacerlo; En mi caso, después de haber cumplido los 18 años, la vida paso muy rápido y cuando quise reaccionar, estaba cumpliendo 52 años; Vive la vida intensamente, cada segundo es muy importante, disfrútalos, diles a tus seres queridos que los amas, no des por sentado que ellos lo sabe, se apasionado, disfruta tu vida en compañía de las personas que amas

Source: Family Album

I really like being in this wonderful ¨Amazing NatureCommunity¨:  because ¨I love nature¨, you will have noticed that more than 80% of my publications are related to nature; Since I understood that everything I write daily will be kept forever in our ¨Hive¨ ¨blockchain¨, I decided to make publications related to nature, so that in a few hundred years people will know what was happening here at this time ; This is an opportunity to leave a message for your descendants, and let them know the things you did, the things you loved and what you spent your time on. For those young people who are reading this post, today's message is to live life from an early age, do not wait until you are of legal age to do so; In my case, after turning 18, life passed very quickly and when I wanted to react, I was turning 52; Live life intensely, every second is very important, enjoy them, tell your loved ones that you love them, don't take it for granted that they know it, be passionate, enjoy your life in the company of the people you love

La vida es hermosa y sencilla de vivir, en ocasiones somos nosotros los encargados de complicarnos, no cuidar nuestro cuerpo, no cuidar la salud, es una manera de complicarnos la vida, para disfrutar a pleno de la vida hay que tener un cuerpo saludable; Una manera de mantenernos saludable y en forma es caminar, es una actividad que aporta mucho a nuestro cuerpo

Source: Family Album

Life is beautiful and simple to live, sometimes we are in charge of complicating ourselves, not taking care of our body, not taking care of our health, it is a way to complicate our lives, to fully enjoy of life you have to have a healthy body; One way to stay healthy and fit is to walk, it is an activity that contributes a lot to our body

Si bien la caminata es muy ¨saludable¨, para que así lo sea, debes tener en cuenta algunas cosas, utiliza ¨indumentarias¨ ¨cómodas¨, encuentra el mejor ¨entorno¨ para caminar en donde te sientas a gustos; La naturaleza es el mejor ¨escenario¨ para una caminata completa, es decir, ejercita el ¨organismo¨ , distrae la ¨mente¨ y restauras el ¨alma¨

Source: Family Album

Although the walk is very ¨healthy¨, for it to be so, you must take into account some things, use ¨indumentarias¨ ¨comfortable¨, find the best ¨environment¨ to walk in where you feel like; Nature is the best "stage" for a complete walk, that is, it exercises the "organism", distracts the "mind" and restores the "soul"

La naturaleza aporta mucho en ¨beneficio¨ de la ¨salud¨ ¨aire¨ fresco, ¨sonidos¨ ¨relajantes¨ ¨distracción,¨ hermosas vistas, un entrono saludable; Si todo esto aporta y hace la naturaleza por nosotros, todavía no entiendo como hay personas que la quieran hacer daño; No dañes a la naturaleza mientras camina, no ermitas que otros la hagan, ama a la naturaleza, ella hace mucho por nosotros

Source: Family Album

Nature contributes much to the "benefit" of "health" "fresh air", "sounds" "relaxing" "distraction," beautiful views, a healthy environment; If all this contributes and does nature for us, I still do not understand how there are people who want to harm it; Do not harm nature while walking, do not let others do it, love nature, it does a lot for us

Esta es una caminata ¨intensa¨ que mi esposa y mi hijo jamás la olvidaran; Más de seis horas duro la travesía, tuvieron que pasar ¨bosques¨, ¨lagos¨, ¨lagunas¨ para llegar a su destino, la ¨laguna¨ ¨esmeralda¨

Source: Family Album

This is an "intense" hike that my wife and son will never forget; The journey lasted more than six hours, they had to pass ¨forest¨, ¨lagos¨, ¨lagunas¨ to reach their destination, the ¨laguna¨ ¨esmeralda¨

¨AmazingNatureContest¨ : Las imágenes presentadas las tomamos con una cámara ¨Nikon Coolpix B500¨ en la ¨Ciudad¨ de ¨Ushuaia¨ en el ¨valle¨ de los ¨lobos¨ Estoy muy agradecido con la invitación que nos hace nuestro amigo @adalger a participar de este esplendido

Source: Family Album

¨AmazingNatureContest¨ : The images presented were taken with a ¨Nikon Coolpix B500¨ camera in the ¨City¨ of ¨ Ushuaia¨ in the ¨valle¨ de los ¨lobos¨ I am very grateful for the invitation from our friend @adalger to participate in this splendid


Source:  vimeo-free-videos


@jlufer - !ENGAGE 30

 4 years ago  

Thank you very much dear friend @andyjim for the great support you give me, have a wonderful afternoon

 4 years ago  

#posh compartido en mis redes sociales

I think you are again winner in this race.
Beautiful images 😍

 4 years ago  

I really appreciate your words
have a beautiful afternoonhello dear friend @pankajkabdwal you are very kind

wow sir such an amazing photography, thanks a lot for sharing

 4 years ago  

I appreciate with all my heart your kind words, happy that my images have been to your likinghello dear friend @bhattg good afternoon

have an excellent afternoon

Long but rewarding walk, the scenery along the path is spectacular!

Melt from mountain snow makes the water a delightful colour, how fortunate you are to have this place to escape to @jlufer


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 4 years ago  

this place is ideal for walks, putting the body in line and the mind blank
I appreciate with all my heart this pleasant visit and support that you provide to my post
have a lovely afternoonhow are you dear friend @joanstewart good afternoon

Being able to walk straight out onto paths in forested areas would be a dream come true, nice to enjoy time relaxing with the family.

Thank you for your engagement on this post, you have recieved ENGAGE tokens.

I hope you enjoyed the walk!Just beautiful, @jlufer.

 4 years ago  

very happy that you liked it dear friend @ silversaver888
I take this opportunity to wish you happy dreams