Hola queridos amigos ¨Amazing NatureCommunity¨: Feliz de estar aquí junto a personas que ¨aman¨, ¨cuidan¨ y hacen ¨cuidar¨ la ¨naturaleza¨. No es novedad al decir que las personas con nuestro accionar estamos destruyendo nuestro ¨medio¨¨ambiente¨, también debería decir que somos nosotros quienes podemos hacer un cambio y ¨revertir¨ lo que está sucediendo. Muchas personas manifiestan que ya es tarde, sin embargo, estamos a tiempo para comenzar a revertir nuestro mal ¨accionar¨

Hello dear friends ¨Amazing NatureCommunity¨: Happy to be here with people who "love", "care" and do "care" for "nature". It is not a novelty when saying that people with our actions are destroying our "environment", it should also say that we are the ones who can make a change and "reverse" what is happening. Many people say that it is too late, however, we are in time to begin to reverse our evil ¨action¨
Si eres ¨positivo¨, hasta de lo malo pueden encontrar algo bueno. Mi ¨madre¨ fue una víctima de los ¨golpes¨ de mi ¨padre¨, en aquella época era común que los ¨maridos¨ peguen a sus ¨mujeres¨, por suerte mi madre era una persona diferente y con mucho carácter para soportar toda una vida de ¨maltrato¨. Cuando mi madre decidió la ¨separación¨, nos fuimos a vivir al campo, dejar nuestro hogar fue muy duro, sin embargo supimos ver las cosas ¨positivas¨ de ello

If you are "positive", even bad things can find something good. My "mother" was a victim of the "blows" from my "father", at that time it was common for "husbands" to hit their "wives", luckily my mother was a different person and with a lot of character to bear all a life of "mistreatment". When my mother decided the ¨separation¨, we went to live in the country, leaving our home was very hard, however we knew how to see the ¨positive¨ things about it
Cuando estás acostumbrado a la vida de ciudad, cuesta mucho adaptarse al ¨estilo¨ de ¨vida¨ del campo, pero si te gusta la naturaleza, es el mejor lugar para vivir. Este lugar era simplemente mágico, la vieja casita estaba rodeada de árboles, en un rincón de la casa mi madre decidió que era un buen lugar para hacer un ¨jardín¨ cubierto de bellas plantas de flores

When you are used to city life, it takes a lot to adapt to the "country life" style, but if you like nature, it is the best place to live. This place was simply magical, the old house was surrounded by trees, in a corner of the house my mother decided it was a good place to make a ¨garden¨ covered with beautiful flower plants
Mi madre tiene buenas ¨manos¨ para las plantas, en poco tiempo hizo un enorme jardín con muchas variedades de plantas, fue así que comenzó mi amor por las ¨flores¨; Las ¨flores¨ tienen mucho beneficios, algunas son ¨comestibles¨, otras tienen poderes ¨curativos¨ están aquellas que recrean la vistas y otras que pueden ¨perfumar¨ el ¨alma¨

My mother has good "hands" for plants, she in a short time she made a huge garden with many varieties of plants, that's how my love for "flowers" began; The "flowers" have many benefits, some are "edible", others have "curative" powers, there are those that recreate the views and others that can "perfume" the "soul"
Me crie entre plantas de ¨ margaritas¨, ¨rosales¨ y ¨dalias¨; Debo admitir que tuve una hermosa niñez perfumada por plantas hermosas y naturales, cuando pasas gran parte de tu vida entre flores, difícilmente te deje de gustar. Como pueden leer, mi pasión por las flores viene de mi niñez. Estas hermosas fotografías las tomamos con una cámara ¨Nikon¨ ¨Coolpix¨ ¨B500¨

I grew up among plants of ¨ daisies¨, ¨ roses¨ and ¨dals¨; I must admit that I had a beautiful childhood scented by beautiful and natural plants, when you spend much of your life among flowers, you will hardly stop liking it. As you can read, my passion for flowers comes from my childhood. We took these beautiful photographs with a ¨Nikon¨ ¨Coolpix¨ ¨B500¨ camera.

Source: vimeo-free-videos
#posh compartido en mis redes sociales
Very beautiful flower.
Thank you very much for appreciating my photographs
I take this opportunity to wish you a happy start to the weekendHow are you dear friend @jasonmunapasee good afternoon
I am happy to appreciate all of your photos.
How are you there?I'm fine here my brother @jlufer.
wow sir great photography really love to see the amazing photographs you have shared I really loved the first two the most.
have a nice afternoonThank you very much dear friend @bhattg for appreciating my images, you are very kind
Growing up with flowers is something else.. for sure it give you a greater appreciation!Very pretty flowers, @jlufer!!!
Have a nice day, @jlufer.
how are you dear friend @ silversaver888
having seen my mother work hours in her garden, it was what captivated my passion.
Thank you very much for your pleasant visit and support that you give me
have a beautiful night
Like you, my love and respect for nature originated with my mother, and especially with flowers.
I share your statement, I enjoy and am happy "to be here with people who "love", "take care" and "take care" of "nature", each of us can contribute a little.
Greetings.Hi @jlufer, beautiful flowers and the family story you share.
How are you dear friend @ Raizayanez
I appreciate your empathy, you are very kind
see my mother work hard in her garden, I believe my love in them
I take this opportunity to wish you a splendid night and a happy rest
Hi @jlufer, your post has been upvoted by @bdcommunity courtesy of @rem-steem!
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wow .. I am very impressed with the pink roses, if they grow in the yard I will definitely be happy🧚🏻♀️🧚🏻♀️️