 3 years ago  

Thank you @joanstewart ^^ .. It just fees so awesome to be in such a location .. I suppose it must be the total contra scenery to what you are used down there ;) .. do you have mountains and snow too ?

Stunning region to live in, nice hiking and river to look forward to. Our mountains are a three hour drive away and yes do get snow during some winters. Be happy and enjoy!

 3 years ago  

That's great to know ☺️ ... I always thought that these are not present there ^^ .. you would have missed out a real cool feature of winter 😜

Have visited our mountains with snow high up, always wrong timing when falls happen in the valley below, yes we get snow. 🙃

 3 years ago  

Hehe, you should go there whenever you dont expect snow at all .. then maybe the wrong timing hits again 😁

Good idea considering we miss it by a day or two, little frustrating 😁