Moody Drive Beach, Palm Coast Florida [B&W edit]

in WE ARE MOVING5 years ago

This is an a long exposure image I took many years ago at one of my favorite beach locations to photograph-- Washington Oaks State Park between St. Augustine & Daytona, Florida.

I will be revisiting and reshooting this location... hmmm... about a week from now! I believe this was taken in 2011... gosh that's a long time ago. I'll be using a much more professional camera setup to reshoot this area next week, this was taken on a cheap compact camera many many years ago. Hopefully the weather & tide conditions will be half as interesting next week as they were for this old image!

Moody Beach long exposure

Camera: Canon S100

 5 years ago (edited) 

This looks so nice in monochrome ^^ like floating nebula ;)