I have tried to enter but I can't figure out the tags now though, I put amazing nature first but it isn't showing up under amazing nature. It would only let me post to the feather friends community, it wouldn't let me select another from the compose post screen, but I am guessing I need permission? I used amazing nature as the first tag but I don't think it worked, it's not showing under amazing nature, but it's not showing up on my profile either, I copied the link when it first posted and the link still works. I am not sure where the post has gone though.
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Hey there @letalis-laetitia ^^ First of all, thank you for you entry to the contest ^^ .. I looked up the problem and tried to find out what happened.. The communities are official now which creates some confusion!.. You used the hive-tag for the Feathered Friends" community, which directly puts you entry there. If you would have used the "Amazing Nature" hive-tag it would have been landed in the Amazing Nature Community instead. It would have also been landed in the Amazing Nature Community if you directly posted it into the community. It has nothing to do with permissions.. I am not sure if it is possible to use both tags to enter a post in two communities by using two different hive-tags. The normal tags seem to have changed now too and hive-tags seem to be prioratized over other tags. The whole community system is very new, but I try to figure it out until the next contest announcement on sunday. I will have to do some in depth research on it to adapt the contest rules ^^ But dont worry, as everything changes I will not judge validation of entries by those confusing things
Thank you for getting back to me. I didn't use any feather friends tags, it did say FeatheredFriends at the top left of the draft, but there was no way to select another community instead. I tried to use the hive tag that it says to use in this post but I got an error message saying I had to use the FeatherFriends one, so I didn't use either hive tag. When I click the new post on my profile (image to show i'm clicking in the right place)
It automatically wants to post to that community
I'm sure i'll figure it out eventually, thank you for the understanding :)