Nature and Well-being

in WE ARE MOVING4 years ago

It doesn’t really matter day or night, being in nature rejuvenates me. It helps me de-stress, re-think, and re-consider all the choices I have made in life. The fresh air freed me from the suffocating mundane and tedious day-to-day life. Unfortunately, I don’t always get the chance to mingle with nature. Only a rare few occasions when I had enough of my current environment.


I thought that I could live without ever seeing nature or being outside. I tried and never worked. I want to be in nature, breathing different air and please my eyes with the greenery.


A bonus would be if the place has a flowing stream or fresh clean water. Water is another element that adds a refreshing feel to my life. I love to be one with water. Whenever I came out of the water, I felt like a brand new person. Someone with a fresher perspective and ready to conquer all life challenges once more.

Even when I travel solo, nature makes me feel like I am not alone. It’s there to accompany and play with me. From the dancing trees to singing birds, they were all there with me in each of my steps.


And no matter how shitty your camera gets, flower pictures will always turn out decent. I had some awful phones in the past but whenever I captured flowers, it turned out really well. Now that I have a somewhat decent phone, the result looks the same too, beautiful.

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image.pngMac is a content creator that covers literature, books, technology, philosophy, nootropics, productivity, minimalist lifestyle, cybersecurity, and languages. Other than those, she is passionate about cooking and travel. In her free time, she enjoys learning various things. If you like her content, don't hesitate to upvote, leave a comment or a feedback. A re-blog is also appreciated.

Flowers are forever beautiful, right angles and all.

Nature is so calming. Perfect for anxiety spikes.

Yeah, that's why whenever my anxiety is through the roof, I force myself to go out and enjoy the nature. Though sometimes, going outside is also spiking up my anxiety :D

Being in nature is fun, everything feels beautiful. Breathing is free to breathe as much oxygen as possible, eyes are free to see the green of nature, ears are free to listen to the melodious chirping of birds. Enjoy the beauty of nature while there is time and opportunity,👍👍👍

I couldn't agree more, it's fun, more fun when it's not crowded outside. It's a pity though that I don't get the chance to see it often.

Yes. Maybe I'm luckier, because I don't live in a crowded city. I live in a village that is still overgrown with wild trees. May your days ahead have more opportunities to enjoy nature

Being surrounded by nature is one of the most wonderful pleasures in life. I love flowers and these that you share with us invited me to contemplate them closely in your publication. I loved the photo, thank you for giving us so much beauty.

Glad and thank you ! Have you been out in the nature recently?

That nice being in nature, it feels fresh and take away all the stress/worry. The past 1 year plus I have surrounded by wall and electronics only..

Yes!! it was that accumulating stress and frustration being surrounded by wall and electronics. I had some good moments outside recently, was totally refreshing.

very beautiful

Thank you @maungthan, have you been out or traveling recently?

Water is another element that adds a refreshing feel to my life.

Some life motivated thoughts. Great. Resteemed.

It is indeed refreshing. Though I suppose it's different from one person to another.

Ya. Exactly

nature truly help in keep you healthy when I feel stress I tend to go on a walk to see some birds and green

Oh yeah, that's the best! In fact, I just did that a couple hours ago, so refreshing.

Really that's great so you know how to keep yourself happy