Esp-Eng Conociendo la Cleome gynandra /Knowing the Cleome gynandra .

in WE ARE MOVING2 years ago

Saludos amigos amantes de la naturaleza y amigos de hive cada vez que voy de mañana a mis caminatas observó la belleza de nuestra madre naturaleza como nos engalana con sus verdes praderas y hermosas flores del camino y la hermosura de la copas de los árboles .
Les cuento que esto de vivir en un país tropical donde las cuatro estaciones se cumplen a media son unas de las grandes ventajas de la belleza de nuestros paisajes naturales ,ya que el tiempo de invierno si se puede llamar así un invierno a media dónde llueve y sale el sol a la media hora y nuestras plantas cambia sus hojas como si estuvieras en otoño y florecen a diario como en primavera es lo que nos enorgullece cómo venezolano que somos.

Hoy les comparto estás hermosa flores la cual me encontré en el camino y me parecieron tan hermosa y perfecta que no tarde mucho tiempo en fotografiarla y compartir con ustedes uno de los mejores regalos que nos da la naturaleza ,está flores suelen nacer junto a la malezas de los caminos que bordean las orillas de las carreteras y que en algunas casa son tomadas como plantas ornamentales por su belleza de flores.
Está planta es de clima tropical y su nombre científico es Cleome gynandra.

Greetings friends nature lovers and friends of hive every time I go on my morning walks I observe the beauty of our mother nature as she adorns us with her green meadows and beautiful flowers on the road and the beauty of the treetops.
I tell you that living in a tropical country where the four seasons are fulfilled in half are one of the great advantages of the beauty of our natural landscapes, since the winter time if you can call it a winter in half where it rains and the sun comes out in half an hour and our plants change their leaves as if you were in autumn and bloom daily as in spring is what makes us proud of how Venezuelan we are.

Today I share with you these beautiful flowers which I found on the road and I found them so beautiful and perfect that I did not take long to photograph and share with you one of the best gifts that nature gives us, these flowers are usually born next to the weeds of the roads that border the roadsides and in some houses are taken as ornamental plants for their beauty of flowers.
This plant is of tropical climate and its scientific name is Cleome gynandra.












Ubicacion los llanos centrales de Venezuela
Location the central plains of Venezuela.@mellys

<The photos are of my authorship taken with my phone

Infinix hot 11


I appreciate your work and your post has been manually curated by Botanic team @oscurity on behalf of Amazing Nature Community. Keep up the good work!

You only need to place some source of information and write a little more about the ecology of the plant and it was the perfect post! hugs thanks for posting in our community.