in WE ARE MOVINGlast year

I had the privilege of visiting a small palm tree plantation in my locality and the sight of this all-round profitable plant caught so much of my attention. I took some time out to think over the importance of this plant and seriously, the things gotten from a palm tree is really enormous.


The palm tree can be undoubtedly said to be the wealthiest tree in the world because of the many product that can be extracted from it. Some of this products are: palm oil, palm wine, planks or woods,broom, palm kernel, fronds stall, basket, mat, and the list just go on. There are even some products that are yet to be discovered from the palm tree.


Palm oil is a very essential product gotten from the palm tree and it can be used for cooking, frying and even as material for industrial purpose like production of soup, toothpaste, ink, cosmetics etc. Palm oil is really nutritious and spices up meals too when used.

From the palm tree, you can also extract palm wine which is another very essential product. Palm wine is a very sweet and juicy liquid gotten from the sap of the palm tree. This drink is a very popular drink in Africa which is so much loved, not just because of it's taste but also because of it's health benefits. Palm wine has been proven to help in increasing eyes sight, promote lactation and even fight cancer.


Planks and woods can also be gotten from the palm tree because it's stem can be converted to planks and woods for building.

I cannot fail to mention brooms as a product gotten from palm tree. Every household in Africa especially Nigeria must have a broom which aids sweeping and cleaning. It is fascinating that this important home equipment can be gotten from the palm tree.

Did I talk about palm kernel? Another important product gotten from palm tree. It is the seed part of the palm fruit and palm kernel oil can be extracted from it. Palm kernel oil is also medicinal.


I can go on and and on listing the many products gotten from the palm tree. Having a palm tree plantation means having a wealth of products. This plant is naturally rich.

Thank you for reading through.
I am @mharvis


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