Hello friends of the hive, greetings to all and thanks for allowing me to be part of this wonderful family, today I am going to talk about this little snake that I found inside the house.
Hola amigos de la colmena, saludos a todos y gracias por permitirme ser parte de esta maravillosa familia, hoy les voy a hablar de esta pequeña serpiente que encontré dentro de la casa.
This snake called Boiga mulmaculata, also called cat's eyes in my town, is not poisonous but they are animals that instill fear since they look like a mapanare.
Esta serpiente llamada Boiga mulmaculata, también llamada ojos de gato en mi pueblo, no es venenosa pero son animales que infunden miedo ya que parecen un mapanare.
This snake has a length of 80 centimeters and a diameter of 15 millimeters. It feeds on small rodents and other small animals, so they want to live inside our homes, these little animals are in our homes.
Esta serpiente tiene una longitud de 80 centímetros y un diámetro de 15 milímetros. Se alimenta de pequeños roedores y otros animales pequeños, por lo que quieren vivir dentro nuestros hogares, estos animalitos están en nuestros hogares.
The cat's eye is nocturnal and catches its prey on the prowl, once it wraps its body around them and then suffocates.
El ojo del gato es nocturno y atrapa a sus presas al acecho, una vez que las envuelve con su cuerpo y luego se asfixia.
Esta culebra o culebra, no se ve mucho en mi pueblo, llegué a mi casa de casualidad y me asusté cuando la vi, porque hay un dicho que dice culebra es culebra.
This snake or snake, is not seen much in my town, I came to my house by chance and I was scared when I saw it, because there is a saying that says snake is snake.
Con esto me despido gracias por su apoyo, hasta el próximo contenido. Las fotos fueron tomadas por mi teléfono inteligente Samsung Galaxy A10.
With this I say goodbye thank you for your support, until the next content. The photos were taken by my Samsung Galaxy A10 smartphone.
We appreciate your work and your post has been manually curated by zoology team (oscurity,nelinoeva) on behalf of Amazing Nature Community. Keep up the good work!
I hope you didn't kill her!
No la mate la deje ir
very good job in identifying and describing
We appreciate your work and your post was manually curated by @none! from the DNA team!
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Hello @mino1!