How Winter Nature looks like in West Romania

in WE ARE MOVING3 years ago (edited)

Hey guys,

Like pretty much everyone, I'm a nature lover.

What does that mean to me?

Well, in a few words, I love spending time outside, feeling the wind, hearing the sound of rain, the sea, the waves. I love Forests! I also try to contribute keeping this world clean, I recycle and keep it simple with everywhere I can in order to maintain the environment clean and healthy. But this post isn't about that!

For those who don't follow me, I live in Romania in a countryside town. I love the nature in here. I used to stay in the city but you can't compare these two. The calmness you find being in nature is something I so appreciate.

Is winter in here, we had - 7 °C in the day for a week, also - 15°C in the night. So, hear this!

It's cold outside! I loved taking some shots to 'freeze' this white landscape forever! as if it wasn't frozen enough already lol 😂😂

The photos are taken on my property, here in Romania! I tried to capture Nature the best I could!

Enjoy the photography!

Sorry guyssssss!
If you had the patience and time to view all the photos, you're a hero!

I know there's a lot of them! Sorry, I just can't help myself on not posting them all! It's my guilty pleasure. :D

So what do you think? How's winter where you live? I would love to know, so feel free to leave a comment!

Greetings from Romania,



Some amazing shots you have here. I see winter is not joking over there. It's cold here too now but we're protected by the mountains so winter is always milder.

Well, I would say this is nothing compared to some long years ago.

Twenty years ago the snow would have been in double compared with this one and it would stay for at least 2 weeks. The winters were much colder in my childhood.
About high minus temperatures, probably they were the same, the difference would be the amount of snow.

Thanks for commenting, glad you like them. : I have another ones, more beautiful than these, I would happily post t hem in the photography community:D

We don't have that much snow where we are in the U.S. (on the Eastern shore), only lots of wind 😬 Is that your cat in the photo?

Ooh we still have snow here and this week it's gonna be really really cold again. Yes, that is my cat, Loki! He's a male. Thanks for stopping be!

many greetings from the other side of the world!

Love the coat pattern on the cat! Also love the shots of the hoar frost. We don't get hoar frost here.

Yes, the haor frost looks magical:D
We still have snow, and last night it snowed again.