in WE ARE MOVING3 months ago


From the beat of this hill, the world spreads out before your eyes in an all-encompassing move of perfection and tranquility.


Warm greetings, everyone! How are you, Beautiful souls and kind-hearted spirits? I hope life is treating you with gentleness. It's me again, Mkyzxna.


In this blog, I would like to share our unexpected get-together with my co-tutors on Bokawe, Pamutan in Melly's Tophill and Recreation.



It was one of those misty mornings—the kind that sets the tone just right for an impromptu visit to Melly's Tophill and Recreation. The air was a little cold, the wetness seeping into our bones as we went up on the slippery pathway. Even in such inhospitable conditions, there was an outpouring of enthusiasm and anticipation from within at the thought of the top-tier view that awaited the top.



As we go higher and higher, with familiar scenes and sounds falling, one feels thrilled by a sense of freedom. Each step forward seemed a leap into the void, with the ground beneath our feet slippery, strewn with dew and leaves; yet we did not stop, driven by curiosity that balanced every oddity against greater discomfort The way winds through greenery and colorful wildflowers, with each step bringing one closer to a breathtaking sea that is standing by at the summit.

Far-off mountains stand up gladly, outlined within the sky, while down within the valleys, they sparkle in shades of emerald and gold.

A tender breeze strokes our skin, whispering to it the tales of yore, the untold secrets. Here, time just seems to stand still as we bathe in the awesome majesty of nature's beauty.

It wasn't all smooth sailing; the mist would erupt in peals of laughter as we slipped and stumbled, helping each other up with good-natured comradeship. The cold made our breath mist; there was a sense of camaraderie in forging through like this, united in our quest for adventure and discovery.



After what seemed like an eternity of tugging and dredging through the fog, we at last reached the crown of Melly's Tophill an recreation. Then bathed in silvery sunlight filtering through the mist, a scene of indescribable beauty lay before us. The hillside gently sloped beneath us into a white sea of clouds that hid the world below. Through the shifting veil of fog, though, we saw vistas opening out before our eyes that took our breath away.

We stumbled into an otherworldly setting:a throng of locals milled around a hastily set-up makeshift stage, giggling, taking their turns at singing karaoke tunes, and rendering melodies through the fog.

Feeling festive, we joined the jolly crowd of people, raising our voices to theirs in careless harmony. As churning music washed through us, in waves of fog, our spirits dissolved into the moment, moving to the joy and rejoicing at the unplanned magic of this hilltop karaoke night.




The hours turned to timelessness, filled with laughter and song and fast-track friendships forged amid foggy obscurity. The cold seemed to blur away against the warm memory of experiences shared and moments we created—into eternal memory—right at Melly's Tophill and recreation.

And so, as we began our final slide down the slippery path, with the fog slowly lifting and a world below it, we now took along with us one more piece of learning that added to our memory of a top-tier view: that true adventure lies often in the most unlikely places, sometimes right at the last place one might expect it, waiting to be uncovered by those brave enough to seek it.






But what makes this travel exceptional is not just the dazzling scene that encompasses us, but other unforeseen camaraderie you discover along the way. Within the company of fellow travelers who share your sense of experience and interest, giggling echoes through the hills and bonds are produced that transcend mere associate.


As you will stand on this hill, overlooking the world spread out some time recently, you realize that the genuine enchantment of this unforeseen trip lies not fair within the goal, but within the travel itself and the superb souls who have joined you along the way. It could be an update that now and then, the foremost extraordinary encounters come when we slightest anticipate them, within the most unexpected places.


Together, you delight in the bliss of exploration and the excitement of venturing outside your comfort zone, making recollections that will until the end of time carve themselves into the fabric of your being.

         (Photo Credits to my bestie!) 

such beauty! 😉✌️🌷

thanks sir!

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thank you sir @guruvaj !💗


What a beauty. Nature never fails to amaze me @mkyzxna

Nature is truly amazing Ma'am @mkyzxna beautiful