These are both cropped in images of a squirrel that lives on my front lawn. I see these little ones so much that they are almost like pets to me, anytime I want to get my mind off of life's stresses, watching them is almost like an immediate escape and a great way to relax for a few minutes and get back to something simple. I like trying to get closer and closer to see their details and their whiskers, and even watching them eat brings a calm over me that I find very healthy.
Oh my God, it's so cute! But is the only one? No brothers or sisters?
I think this one was a baby last year, and I see its mother and brothers and sisters at different times. Sometimes I will see a couple of them competing for whatever treasures they have squirreled away.
Wonderful 😊
I sent 1.0 HUG
(1/3)Dear @mmckinneyphoto13, you just got hugged. on behalf of @ladyaryastark.
What a cutie 😍
For sure, I cant get enough of this one!
The photos of the little squirrel are very cute and fun. In my country, they are very hard to see, so it’s an animal that has always caught my attention. Perhaps my spirit animal is a squirrel.
It could be, maybe you will see some around soon!
That squirrel is so cute, I want to pinch its cheeks.
Haha, they are very pinchable!
@mmckinneyphoto13 It's so beautiful, I want to ask if this means the pet is tame or still wild.
It is wild one, I know some people keep them as pets but they seem to like to be outside climbing trees and hoping around!