A wonderful jackfruit garden...

in WE ARE MOVINGlast year


Hi guys, how are you all? I hope you are very well. Friends, I have to visit different places in my office work from time to time. Whenever I go out of the city for a visit or for work, if I see something impossibly beautiful in front of me or something created in nature, then I try to share it with you.


Often I have to go out of town for work in my office and I have shared one thing with you. Today is no exception, today I went to a place outside the city for office purposes, I was very shocked or you can say surprised because I did not expect such a beautiful environment.


So without delay, I took several pictures with the mobile camera, because I had to go to the house of our former office official for office purposes, his house is not far from the city and not near, when I reached his house, I was surprised at his house. Look at the surrounding environment. He takes care of his trees so beautifully that friends I never expected to see such a beautiful environment.


There are several fruit trees in the yard of in his house, one of them being the jackfruit tree. There are several jackfruit trees in his house and a small, very beautiful jackfruit garden has been developed and caught the jackal that I have shared with you in the picture. I don't know how much you can understand in the picture, but friends face to face in this environment is amazing. I asked the owner of this garden many kinds of questions and he answered each of my questions very nicely one by one very simply. My questions were mostly about plant care as I have a small garden in my backyard so my curiosity is high. His tips will help me a lot.


Friends, if there is such a fruit tree in the house's yard, the environment of his house is completely different. If you have ever been in such an environment then you will understand my words very simply or very simply. The happiness that is found in nature cannot be found in anything. I like the atmosphere of this jackfruit garden so much that I can't explain to you, friends. I had a wonderful moment today. I hope you will like seeing my jackfruit garden pictures.


This is one very delicious fruit.

yes my friend this fruit is very delicious.

At our place, when it is ripe it is often mixed with kolat, it tastes really good.