Spend some time alone with nature.

in WE ARE MOVINGlast year


Hi guys, how are you all? I hope you are very well. Friends, those of us who live in cities can tell very well how hard living in cities can be at times. You can't breathe in peace. Everywhere you look, there are only tall buildings. Everything is developed for human needs. No beauty of nature can be seen in the city. Since I spent my childhood in the village, I grew up very close to nature. So my different feelings towards nature work.


But I have come far from nature since I was in the city in the battle of life. The city I live in is a city covered in dust. The amount of population in our country is very high. It is also true that nature is so freely despoiled. Day by day nature is going to the face of destruction in our country. So you will not see the wonderful beauty of nature around you. As far as I've seen in my career, people in urban areas live robotic lives. Everything they try to do with time. Today is my day off. I woke up in the morning and wanted to spend some time near nature today.


So I came out of the city without delay. Another thing to keep in mind is that I can return home in the evening, otherwise I will not be able to work the next day. So without going too far, there is a place nearby where you can experience the beauty of nature. When I reached my destination my heart was filled with peace seeing the surroundings. Because this type of environment is seen only in rural areas. Where nature has to match its magnificent beauty.


After I reached my destination, I immediately took some pictures with my mobile phone camera after seeing the amazing beauty of nature. And I share those pictures with you. I don't know how much you understand in the picture, but this kind of environment face to face is amazing. I cannot express to you in words how beautiful such an environment can be. I had a different feeling the whole time I was there. Tired of your life, this kind of environment is much needed for every human being. When people are very tired, if they go to such an environment of nature and stand, then a different kind of energy will be gathered inside them.


Friends, I say one thing again and again the beauty of nature is found only in nature. Today I shared with you the kind of joy that I felt. I hope I have been able to explain to you some of these happy moments. I hope these pictures of mine will give you some pleasure.


Thank you for sharing! Nature is calming and rejuvenating for me. Please share more stories.. I will follow :)

thank you so much😊