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RE: Semeruco or Bush Cherry || Semeruco o Cerecita de Monte

in WE ARE MOVING2 years ago

I am so excited to see your article. I realise that acerola which is considered a superfood is my beloved cherries which I use as a child. I see it is the same for you. When I lived in the Caribbean I certainly had my fill of these delicious tart but sweet fruit. These cherries are amazing. It is nice to learn that it is now being cultivated in many countries around the world. Thanks so much for bringing back wonderful childhood memories.


Hello, thanks are mine, for your visit and comment, you don't know how happy I am, knowing that reading my publication allowed you to evoke those memories of your childhood. Health and blessings to you and yours 🙏😘

Aww you will not believe - I actually contacted my siblings. They shared in the nice memories you eveoked.
As children, we loved these cherries so much - we planted our own tree and nurtured it. However, we never had a chance to eat any of the fruit it bore.

Hello, wow, how wonderful! You doesn't know how happy I am to know, thanks for sharing. Health and blessings to you and yours. Hugs from Venezuela.