Hello. During my walk yesterday we experienced some interesting things. The clouds were quite strange. We also saw a plane, but it wasn't caused by a piece of the plane. I don't know what could be causing it. It is very interesting. What do you think caused these strange clouds?
We also saw a plane. I tried to photograph it as close as I could. It took a pretty nice picture on my Huawey phone I think.
The sky was so beautiful. It was impossible to ignore. So I had to take a lot of photos.
But nature is wonderful too. True, it's just a green bush. But for me, it showed beautiful colors so I took some photos of it.
We also found pine cones. It reminded me of autumn n. Such a nice brown color.
We noticed an interesting thing on the tree in the playground. Some small bags were hanging up. We went closer and saw that it was a small net with bird food in it and the birds could peck the food out of it. It's a very good idea and a nice thing to do. Whoever put this here really loves animals.
I found another tree that I liked the sprout. So I took a photo of this one too. But I don't know the name of this tree. Do you know?
A little more play on the playground and we were on our way home. The weather was nice and there was no wind. It was nice to be outside in the fresh air.
We stopped for a run in the meadow. My daughters like that. Because they are free to go where they want.
The sun was already starting to set. I also took some nice pictures of nature.
As we were driving home I saw the sun peeking out from between two clouds. I approached it and was able to take some very interesting photos. I hope you like it too.
As we walked home we visited the rooster and the chickens. There is a yard we always pass by. We see these animals right there. My daughters like them, they watch them with interest. My husband and I dream of keeping animals like that ourselves. I hope we will do it one day.
I only know this "cloud formations" from Europa and USA. South America and Africa nothing like this to see. Even in airport areas. I think it has something to do with military radars which are working better with little metal particles in the atmosphere. But of course this is speculation. Nice other pictures from your work. 👍
Thank you, this is in Hungary. Unfortunately, there are more and more of them. And unfortunately, there are theories here that these scatter bad things on us, but we don’t know what either. I hope nothing is wrong.
Hungary ist NATO. It's interesting if it starts up there now. In Western Europe this phenomenon is older and - of course - conspiracy theory. But I was not really seeing such things outside NATO or its partners. In Columbia I saw it once. There is a US base. But in Germany it's full of this what ever they call it. Best theory is for me this special military radar. Hungary is near Ukraine.