* Evil and good exist, anyone who is ignorant of this is as clueless as an infant, even babies know what is good and what is bad for them. Evil seems to be prevailing over good, sadly more men and women are succumbing to being bad and hating others around them. So our World is full of Hatred, far greater than in the wild, in the animal kingdom. Studies have shown that scientifically, well proven with several research works that there are animals who possess extreme natural friendliness traits(zero aggression) even in the wild more than any other organisms in existence at the moment, which humanity needs to lessons from.*
The World's largest Rodent top the list of such peaceful beings, they are celebrities among other animals in the Animal Kingdom. The gentle furry Giant is the unlikely subject to fill the space of the Most Friendly Animal.
Chigüire as they are also called are social animals, a full grown adult could weigh as much as 35 Kg to 66 Kg, and they are herbivores who lives in groups of approximately 6-20 social groups or more. The reddish brown furry and extremely friendly mammal is a close relative to Guinea Pigs but a 100 times bigger, an excellent swimmer because of it's slightly webbed feet and vestigial tails; that is why they inhabit areas close to body of water : Rivers, Swamps, Ponds, Marshes, lakes etc.
A Semi-aquatic animal, which are natives of South America, surprisingly researchers declared them totally missing in Chile. Their major meals are aquatic plants and grasses, favorite hobby is being friendly and swimming.
These animals exhibits a trait, a typical example of Commensalism!
In biology, a relationship between individuals of two species in which one species obtains food or other benefits from the other without either harming or benefiting the latter-Encyclopædia Britannica
The Giant rodent's peaceful, kind, calm and elegance is unimaginable, some predators find this animals too friendly to kill(chuckles). See proof:
The only means of defense they have is evading blood thirsty predators by submerging in water, they can stay up to 5 minutes under water. They exclusively mate under water and sleeps in water with their nose floating on the surface to avoid drowning. Mud playing, swimming, running as fast as Horses in the face of dangers when they are not close to water shows their agility and strengths.
As friendly as this animals are, the average lifespan in the wild is 4 years while many in captivity i.e Zoos and Reserves could live up to 8-10 years.
Domesticated Capybaras have less enemies except for disease and some stray dogs. But in the wild, Anacondas seems to like them as their favorite meals, same thing with Caimans, Eagles, Pumas and Jaguars. Besides that, they are good meat source for Humans and it's fatty skins makes it a source of Fats extracts for Pharmaceutical companies.
Only if we as humans, the top living organisms could be as peaceful as the Capybara, there would be less injustice, hatred, bloodshed in the World!
All Images taken from Boredpanda