A Snowy Day Cardinal

in WE ARE MOVINGlast year (edited)


     Today, we got blasted with about 8 inches of lake-effect snow. As such, my bird feeders were extremely active. The birds swarmed the cages as if I tweeted out that they contained the last suet cakes ever. The squirrels, all nestled in their nests, were nowhere to be found. No...this day was for the birds.

     I had dropped a piece of bird food on the ground beneath the feeders. This piece attracted many visitors of the avian persuasion, including this beautiful cardinal. He's got something good in his mouth, either a piece of corn or a peanut.

     Cardinals really show out against the snowy, white backdrop. So much so, that this one inspired me to grab my camera and get these images. These images are still shots from a video.

     One thing I love to do when going through bird videos is to go frame by frame at the moment the bird flies off. It makes for images that look like abstract paintings. What do you think?





           Wherever we are, we are surrounded by nature. It's always trying to communicate with us. Take time to notice. #NoticeNature.

All gifs and images are my own unless otherwise stated.





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