Fox & Friends: Backyard Edition

in WE ARE MOVING3 months ago



Random Encounters

     My back yard is full of various critters. On a typical day, I expect to see plenty of birds and a handful of squirrels, cuddly chipmunks, and bushy-tailed rabbits. Occasionally, though, I have the excitement of seeing the more unusual visitors to my yard. Sadly, the suddenness of these encounters often renders me without my camera. Maybe someday I'll learn to always have my camera with me. But, I wouldn't bet on it.


     One recurring character I can expect to see 5-10 times per year is the beautiful red fox. One recent morning I went downstairs, opened the blinds, and standing right outside of the window was one such fox.

     I ran to get my camera hoping the fox would still be there when I got back. It was! Wanting to get the best images possible, I went onto my back porch. Unfortunately, the sound of the door opening scared it away. Phooey!

     As luck would have it, the very next morning started the exact same way. However, the duplication deviated when I decided not  to go out onto the porch.

     This was early morning, so the light was dim. I was also filming through a window. But, I thought these images were good enough to share.


     Next on the random encounters theme is an animal that I never thought I would see in my backyard.

     A turkey.

     A big one, too. That is not  a miniature chair and table set.

     I watched it run aimlessly around my yard for about 15 minutes before some blackbirds chased it away. I'll talk more about those birds later. I will say this, that turkey is welcome to come back sometime in November.


Residing Robins

     There's a certain spot in the gutter which overlooks the patio that is a prime spot for birds to nest. The last two years, a couple of doves made their nest there. This Spring, new tenants moved in.


     This is the closest I have ever been able to get to robins. While they did become somewhat comfortable with me, they never seemed to trust me as much as the doves did.


     Another difference between the robins and doves was the length of their stay. The doves continued to stay around the patio even after their young were grown. The robins, on the other hand, took off once their young were old enough to leave the nest.

     Speaking of their young, I managed to get this one on camera.



Angry Birds

     The birds were angry that day, my friends - like an old man trying to send back soup in a deli. If you get that reference, you are a great person.

     In reality, the birds were angry every day. Such has been the case around here during Spring. By Summertime, they mellow out.

     The incident that I captured in the video below, was a typical occurrance. A sweet, innocent squirrel just minding it's own business when, from out of nowhere, a bird attacks it. Heck, I've seen as many as 4 birds harassing one poor squirrel.

     Warning! The following video contains disturbing imagery. Viewer discretion is advised...




     Wherever we are, we are surrounded by nature. It's always trying to communicate with us. Take time to notice. #NoticeNature.

All gifs and images are my own unless otherwise stated.





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