Hubo un tiempo en que estuvo de moda adornar las casas con girasoles, fuesen estos flores naturales o cuadros, estampados, cortinas, manteles...se veía el diseño en muchas formas. Se acostumbraba combinar con el color azul rey, una combinación cromática de fuerte contraste y mucha belleza. Hola, comunidad, y amigo @mehmetfix, deseo compartir con ustedes estas fotos de girasoles (Helianthus annuus). El girasol es una planta que tiene fototropismo positivo, es decir, que busca la luz, sus flores están siempre orientadas hacia el sol. Acá en Venezuela se la asocia con la prosperidad, tal vez por su color amarillo fuerte que se asocia inconscientemente con el oro.
There was a time when it was fashionable to decorate houses with sunflowers, whether these were natural flowers or paintings, patterns, curtains, tablecloths... the design was seen in many forms. It used to be combined with the color royal blue, a chromatic combination of strong contrast and great beauty.

Fotos propias tomadas con mi Samsung Galaxy S9+
Photos of my own, taken with my Samsung Galaxy S9+ cell phone Hello community, and friend @mehmetfix, I want to share with you these photos of sunflowers. The sunflower is a plant that has positive phototropism, that is, it seeks light, its flowers are always oriented towards the sun. Here in Venezuela it is associated with prosperity, perhaps because of its strong yellow color that is unconsciously associated with gold.