Hi friends!
This is my entry to Amazing nature contest, free topic by @bucipuci.
I hope you liked it:)
Carpathians. The beginning of mountains...
These rocks call to you. They attract everyone who has been here at least once. A whimsical tangled pile of stones of various shapes and sizes stretches for several kilometers.
I like to look at their outlines. There is a rock that looks like a ship, there are various profiles of human faces and the bodies of fantastic beasts. Once there was a pagan temple here. Then the fortress of the ancient Slavs, and later the hideout of robbers. The caves, hollowed out of the sandstone, have seen a lot.
And every time I'm here, it's as if I'm diving into the bosom of mother earth, and then I'll come out of the stone labyrinth a new person.
Invite you to join me and sit in silence.
Ці скелі кличуть до себе. Вони манять кожного хто тут побував хоча б раз. Химерне заплутане нагромадження з каменів різних форм та розмірів тягнеться на кілька кілометрів.
Я люблю вдивлятися в їхні обриси. Є тут скеля схожа на корабель, є різноманітні профілі людських облич і тіла фантастичних звірів. Колись тут був храм язичників. Потім фортеця давніх слов'ян, а згодом і схованка розбійників. Печери, видовбані у пісковику, багато чого бачили.
А я щоразу як буваю тут, то ніби занурююсь а лоно матері-землі, щоб потім вийти з кам'яного лабіринту новою людиною.
Thank you for entering the contest.
Really stunning. You don't have to have sky-high mountain peaks in front of you to realize how small you are. At the same time, however, he can draw on the "power of stones" and come out stronger.
Thanks for your comment! I agree, this magic power of nature helps us become stronger:) 💞
Wow! This place is amazing. The rock formations are beautiful specially the first photo which at first ai thought it's a rock house like from the cartoon The Flintstones.. haha.
Nature truly is just awesome and makes you feel so grateful to be a part of it.
Oh, I would love to just sit there with you in silence. A perfect place for meditation, peace and solace.
Congratulations on the win!🎉👏