Trail "25 waterfalls"🌏🌄 / Sendero "25 cascadas"🚩🧭

in WE ARE MOVING3 years ago (edited)
Hello nature lovers, today I bring you a beautiful experience in one of the most important trails on the Island of Madeira in Portugal and whose name is "Trilho 25 fontes", it is one of the most coveted nature trails by tourists from around the world. the world! firstly because it is a challenge since it has a medium difficulty level, secondly we are going to see many landscapes including rivers, waterfalls, mountains and a beautiful biodiversity of animals! so as a tourist it was a challenge for my wife and me!🌏🌊

Hola amantes de la naturaleza, hoy les traigo una linda experiencia en uno de los senderos mas importantes de la Isla de Madeira en Portugal y que tiene como nombre "Trilho 25 fontes", es uno de los senderos naturales mas codiciados por los turistas de todo el mundo! primeramente porque es un reto ya que tiene un nivel de dificultad media, segundo vamos a ver muchos paisajes incluyendo rios, cascadas, montañas y una linda biodiversidad de animales! asi que como turista era un reto para mi esposa y para mi!🚵‍♂️🚵‍♂️🚴‍♂️

Our experience🙇‍♂️🌊/ Nuestra experiencia🧭🌍

The trail starts at the regional road and is easily accessible because you can park your car and then walk a few meters to the trailhead! It is a "4.3km" route through a set of marked paths between the mountains, it has a total duration of 3 hours round trip since it is a "Circular Path" that is, the end point returns to the point of origin! we are going to reach the top of the mountain that would be about "1220 meters" high! starting is not demanding because you are going to walk on the road but there comes a point in the route where the path becomes difficult and you enter a precarious path!🦾🚵‍♂️🧭
El sendero comienza en la estrada regional y es de facil acceso porque puedes estacionar tu vehiculo y luego caminar algunos metros hasta llegar al comienzo del sendero! es un recorrido de "4.3km" por un conjunto de caminos marcados entre la montaña, tiene una duracion total de "3 horas ida y vuelta" ya que es un "Sendero circular" osea el punto final retorna al punto de origen! vamos a llegar al tope de la montaña que serian unos "1220metros" de altura! comenzando no es exigente porque vas a caminar por carretera pero llega una altura del recorrido donde el camino se dificulta y entras en un camino precario!🚩🌏

The landscape is too beautiful with a splendid view of the Laurissilva Forest, which is a protected mountain range on the island of Madeira that has a great variety of insects and birds that are native to the island and that you cannot see anywhere else on the planet. ! Therefore, one of the interests of many bird lovers on this trail is "Birdwatching" or studying insects. I saw a wide variety of fungi and lichens that indicated to me that it was a very clean and pollution-free area!🧭🚩
El paisaje es demasiado hermoso con una vista esplendida hacia la "Floresta Laurissilva" que es una cadena montañosa protegida de la isla de madeira que presenta una gran variedad de insectos y aves que son autoctonos de la isla y que no los puedes ver en otra parte del planeta! por tanto uno de los intereses en este sendero para muchos amantes de las aves es el "Birdwatching" o estudiar insectos, vi mucha variedad de hongos y liquenes que me indicaban que era una zona muy limpia y libre de polusion!🌷🌼🌳

Climate🙇‍♂️🌊/ Clima🧭🌍

semi-tropical climate🌅

Let's see... The island is known for being a little closer to the "Ecuador" than the rest of continental Portugal, this makes the island a fantastic setting to observe various types of microclimates, for example in winter the temperature in Portugal can be below zero in some places but that never happens here! It is hardly below 15°C, however, being more than a thousand meters high and being close to the Atlantic and surrounded by mountains, it is very windy in this area!💙

A ver... La isla es conocida por ser estar un poco mas cerca al "Ecuador" que el resto de Pòrtugal continental, esto convierte a la isla en un escenario fantastico para observar varios tipos de microclimas, por ejemplo en invierno la temperatura en Portugal puede en algunos sitios estar bajo cero pero aqui nunca sucede eso! dificilmente esta debajo de los 15°C, sin embargo al estar a mas de mil metros de altura y estar proximos del atlantico y rodeados de montañas hace mucho viento en esta zona!🌎

trailhead🙇‍♂️🌊/ Inicio del sendero🧭🌍

My wife and I were training for this experience a week in advance, we did 4 kilometers a day so as not to have difficulties when doing the trails here in "Madeira" and boy did it work, obviously there were stages along the way where we had to take some breaks because practically as you climb a thousand meters you must also go down, now imagine doing 1km on a steep climb? It is not an easy task!! We set a pace so as not to get exhausted easily, and while we enjoyed the scenery, there are many species of trees that are also typical of Madeira, such as: (Echium candicans).🧭🌏🌷🌼
Mi esposa y yo estuvimos entrenando para estas experiencia una semana con anticipacion, haciamos 4 kilometros diarios para no tener dificultades al momento de hacer los senderos aqui en "Madeira" y vaya que funciono, obviamente hubieron etapas del camino donde teniamos que hacer algunas pausas porque practicamente asi como subes mil metros tambien los debes bajar, ahora imagina hacer 1km en subida empinada¿? no es tarea facil!! marcamos un ritmo para no agotarnos facilmente, y mientras disfrutabamos el paisaje, hay muchas especies de arboles tambien propios de Madeira como por ejemplo: "(Echium candicans)".🚩🧭🌄

Beautiful landscapes🌷🌅

There is a lot of rain and humidity in this nature reserve, normally on the island there is more rainfall than in the rest of the country, therefore you have to be careful in the month you choose to do this trail, they recommend it in summer or spring, however it is quite dangerous we must be attentive to the signs!💙

Hay muchas lluvias y humedad en esta reserva natural, normalmente en la isla hay mas precipitaciones que en el resto del pais, por tanto hay que tener cuidado en el mes que escojes para hacer este sendero, lo recomiendan en verano o en primavera, sin embargo es bastante peligroso debemos estar atentos a las señalizaciones!🌎

They are one of those experiences that are only repeated once in your life, with the passing of years we are creating an increasing negative impact on nature reserves like these and little by little we are influencing the disappearance of many animals and plants, and I wonder ? Will they still be there in 40 years? I don't know... While I will fully enjoy the opportunity to admire all this beauty!🌊🧭🚩🌼
Son de aquellas experiencias que solo se repiten una vez en tu vida, con el pasar de años vamos creando un impacto negativo cada vez mayor en reservas naturales como estas y poco a poco estamos influyendo en la desaparicion de muchos animales y plantas, y me pregunto? aun seguiran alli dentro de 40 años??? no lo se... Mientras yo disfrutare al maximo la oportunidad de admirar toda esta belleza!🌳🚵‍♂️🌼🚩🧭

This nature reserve was created in "1982" when tourism on the island began to grow, we should pass through some places of interest when we do this trail such as "a lagoa 25 fontes" some connections with other trails to enter the deepest of the island and a cabin where all the tourists stop to eat, hydrate or go to the bathroom! At this point we are already halfway there.🚴‍♂️🚵‍♂️🌼
Esta reserva natural fue creada en "1982" cuando el turismo en la isla comienza a crecer, deberiamos de pasar por algunos sitios de interes cuando hacemos este sendero como por ejemplo "a lagoa 25 fontes" algunas conexiones con otros senderos para entrar en lo mas profundo de la isla y una cabaña donde todos los turistas se detienen para comer, hidratarse o ir al baño! en este punto ya estamos a mitad del camino.🌄🚩🌳🌊

Forest Laurissilva🌷🌅

One of the curiosities of this protected area is that there are many beekeepers who use natural techniques, practically the honey is worked directly in nature and not in "boxes", creating an organic and natural product without stress for the bees! therefore the island is known for its honey!💙🍯

Una de las curiosidades de esta zona protegida es que hay muchos apicultores que usan tecnicas naturales, practicamente la miel es trabajada directamente en la naturaleza y no en "cajas", creando un producto organico y natural sin estress para las abejas! por tanto la isla es conocida por sus mieles!🐝🌎

It is important when doing "Signposted Trails" to be attentive with the signs, if we get lost we would ruin our vacations, although in summer it is difficult for this to happen because you practically "follow people". I fell in love with nature, we took the opportunity to make a "Mini trail" called: "Casal do Rabacal", this would take us to a very nice little picnic area in the middle of nature!☘🌱🌲🍂
Es importante cuando se realizan "Senderos Señalizados" estar atentos con las señalizaciones, si nos llegamos a perder arruinariamos nuestras vacaciones, aunque en verano es dificil que esto suceda porque practicamente "Sigues a las personas". Me enamore de la naturaleza, aprovechamos en hacer un "Mini sendero" llamado: "Casal do rabacal", este nos llevaria a una pequeña zona picnic muy linda en medio de la naturaleza!🚙🚩🧭🌏

half of the trail🙇‍♂️🌊/ Mitad del sendero🧭🌍

At this point we had walked about 2.3 kilometers, let's remember that the trail has a total of 4.3 kilometers, which practically took us to the point where we are halfway there! here the road would become more difficult and wild, we were moving away from civilization and the road! there are signs everywhere that we must watch where we step because we could die with a fall on the cliff!🚧🚩🚨
En este punto habiamos caminado unos 2.3kilometros recordemos que el sendero tiene un total de 4.3 lo que practicamente nos llevaba a que estamos a mitad del camino! aqui el camino se pondria mas dificil y salvaje, nos alejabamos de la civilizacion y la carretera! hay señales por todos lados que debemos observar bien donde pisamos porque podriamos morir con una caida en el acantilado!⭕❌📛

wild landscape🌷🌅

I don't know how to describe that feeling of being in the middle of nowhere and breathing that pure mountain air, feeling a unique peace because we are far from the city, it is a relaxing path that in turn teaches a lot about the nature of Portugal💙💨

No se como describir esa sensacion de estar en medio de la nada y respirar aquel aire puro de la montaña, sentir una paz unica porque estamos lejos de la ciudad, es un sendero relajante y que a su vez enseña mucho sobre la naturaleza de Portugal🙇‍♂️💆‍♂️🌎

If you look closely at the landscape, it changes little by little as we go deeper into the forest, you can see more lichens and predominant vegetation of very humid climates, and it is that here a set of small streams begin to pass that are formed by the humidity of the mountain!👨‍🏫🕵️‍♂️
Si observas bien el paisaje va cambiando poco a poco mientras nos adentramos mas al bosque, puedes ver mas liquenes y vegetacion predominante de climas muy humedos, y es que por aqui comienzan a pasar un conjunto de pequeños riachuelos que son formados por la humedad de la montaña!🌿🌾🌳🍀

Due to the ecological contribution worldwide, the mountain range was declared a world heritage by UNESCO, another species that can only be seen here on the island is: "Pittosporum coriaceum", there are those who pay a "Tour" and hire a guide to take you along the entire path and explain the Biodiversity of the region that has a cost of 30 euros per person!🌿🚩☘🌲
Debido al aporte ecologico a nivel mundial la sierra montañosa fue declarada como patrimonio mundial por la UNESCO, otra especie que solo puede ser vista aqui en la isla es: "Pittosporum coriaceum", hay quienes pagan un "Tour" y contratan un guia para llevarte por todo el sendero y explicarte la Biodiversidad de la region eso tiene un costo de 30 euros por persona!🚴‍♂️🤯🌷🚙

As we reach the final stretch of our trail we begin to see some waterfalls, obviously we are going downhill so the ultimate goal of the trail is to reach an area where the largest waterfall on the island hits the ground🧭🙇‍♂️
Mientras llegamos a la recta final de nuestro sendero comenzamos a ver algunas cascadas, obviamente vamos en bajada asi que el objetivo final del sendero es llegar a una zona donde la cascada mas grande de la isla golpea el suelo🌊🌊

final phase🌷🌅

We were already less than a kilometer away from reaching our goal, and we have seen about 5 waterfalls so far, obviously not all of them are big, some are very small and do not stand out along the way, so we must pay close attention to detail.💙💨

Ya estabamos a menos de un kilometro para alcanzar nuestra meta, y vimos unas 5 cascadas hasta ahora, obviamente no todas son grandes algunas son muy pequeñas y no se destacan en el camino por tanto debemos prestar mucha atencion a los detalles🙇‍♂️💆‍♂️🌎

Objective accomplished🙇‍♂️🌊/ Objetivo cumplido🧭🌍

We are not a couple that gives in to difficult obstacles, achieving these small paths is something that helps us grow as a couple and enjoy nature! here we are under a natural waterfall that is more than 100 meters after this point we take some photos and then we return to the point of origin that is achieved by another route!🚩🦾
No somos una pareja que se rinde a obstaculos dificiles, lograr estos pequeños senderos es algo que nos ayuda a crecer como pareja y disfrutar de la naturaleza! aqui estamos bajo una cascada natural que tiene mas de 100 metros luego de este punto nos tomamos unas fotos y luego nos regresamos al punto de origen que se logra mediante otra ruta!🏆


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Very useful and detailed information. The place is great!

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I can only be amazed to see all the amazing natural beauty that you show in all your amazing photography. You really have done very well to publish this post. Cheers 🥂


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This place is absolutely stunning! You got some wonderful photos, what a treat to learn about this gorgeous trail of waterfalls from you! It's not a very long walk in kms, but when you're going up on a steep incline, it makes it challenging. Well done to you and your wife for sticking to the challenge. I love all the shades of green. Really lovely.

Wow!!! Amazing nature

Thanks for sharing this amazing adventure because I almost felt I was there myself

Aaw my beautiful Madeira ❤️ Portugal é pequeno mas cheio de natureza e beleza. E o seu posto é espantoso. Estou contente por ver que gostou. Portugal, meu amor. Obrigadaaaaa por este incrível post, minha querido. Rehived!!!!

Between the negative effects caused by human beings themselves and climate change with its no less pernicious incidence, these nature reserves are at risk of disappearing as such.

Entre los efectos negativos causados por el propio ser humano y el cambio climático con su incidencia no menos perniciosa, estas reservas naturales corren el riesgo de desaparecer como tales.

Looks like a great hike, adding it to my bucket list. And you guys look so stylish while hiking the trail 😎

Thanks to this challenge, you are visiting beautiful places, my friend :) I am a bit like that too. I hope your wife didn't slow you down. I don't take my wife to very difficult places :)