in WE ARE MOVING3 years ago

Can you see it?

Copperheads were blessed with some pretty good camouflage, especially when they are on the forest floor. In the photos below there are copperheads "hiding" in the leaf litter. Now technically they aren't really hiding, they're just lying there, but you know what I mean.

To practice picking them out I thought you might like to try seeing if you can spot them. It's a good skill to have where we live since copperheads also live here, and if we don't spot them first, we might accidentally step by them or on them, potentially encouraging them to strike at us and inject venom into us. Take a peek below and let me know if you can find them.

P.S. Both of the last photos each have two copperheads in them.


Until next time…

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In Georgia we get a variant called the Osage Copperhead. It's when they are colored like an orange creamscicle.

That sounds so cool!

Hah the most dangerous orange creamsicle in the forest.

Walk slowly is what my father always said about being in the woods. You will hear more, see more and stay safer. I can spot some of the snakes in the photos, but not both of them. Slow movement gives animals the chance to get out of the way. Thanks for sharing and it helps me to see the patterns on the snake for my next walk.

Its right there! No, over there. Yeah there!
No, it moved.

I don't know if i just trained my mind to see rattlesnakes, or my eyesight just picks these things up.
But they are fairly obvious to me.

Thanks for the lesson in survival. I didn't see the little snake right away.


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Too bad they don't have rattlers to warn you.