Hahaha, I also giggled at that baboon and his tricks. Don't take only one slice, as not worth getting into trouble, so rather take the whole bread and the trouble will be worth it.
I don't know what happened to Celia's cats when she died, but I know that her one son took one of the dogs.
A sad story about Pino, but I bet he had a good life with you guys. At least he liked his shaves, but I can sense that you still miss him.
Cheers and thanks my friend.
That baboon should come on our balcony and try to steal something from my wife - even if he would love living here, he would run as fast as he can and don't stop running before he's back in South Africa 😁
Pino has had a good life and yes, we still miss him, we miss all our 3 cats we have had.
!PIZZA and !BEER - sounds like a nice dinner :)
Hahaha, I would so love to see your missus when that big ape climbs over the balcony rail. I am sure that we will hear her scream here in South Africa.
Or maybe I am wrong and we will hear the baboon's scream here 🤣
Oh yes, we miss our departed pets my friend as they have a special room in our hearts.
Cheers and thanks.
Oh yes, you would certainly hear her loud, butnot understandable 🤣 and you are right, the next scream would be from the baboon 😂
They were family members and you never forget family members, even not the ones you didn't like.
!PIZZA and !BEER - sounds like a nice dinner :)
Maybe they will write a new dictionary of swear words when they decipher her screams 🤣
Obviously the baboon would know what she said in her screams and he will flee for his life 🤣
So the people will know her as the baboon whisperer and the baboons will know her as the baboon terror 🤣🤣🤣
Hahaha, I have had a dog that I didn't like and just like your cats, my dogs had each their own special characters.
I just never thought that one day I will have a small, cheeky dog like our Troy, as all of my dogs were big guys.
Cheers and thanks.
All migrants will come to us over the see, all but the baboons 🤣
So I was right, you even don't forget the pet you didn't like 😉
!PIZZA and !BEER - sounds like a nice dinner :)
Hahaha, I might catch a baby baboon in the moutain pass here and send him to you 😜
We both know that you are always right Hannes 👍
Only when it suits you 🤣
Cheers and thanks.
Yep, maybe you could send it that it arrives at Christmas and please write "for Monika, the Baboon Whisperer" on the parcel 🤣
!PIZZA and !BEER - sounds like a nice dinner :)
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