I wrote this post in English and Slovak language.
This amazing insect that we will write about today is called the praying mantis. Her front legs are joined and she looks like she is praying. Its name is probably derived from there.
We can classify the praying mantis among larger insects. It is a carnivorous insect and eats other insects. There are about 1,800 species of praying mantises in the world, most of them live in the tropics, and the Asian species Hieroduha tenuidentata even hunts fish. Praying mantises have large eyes and strong deterrent fangs.
The green praying mantis lives here in Slovakia. More precisely, we can see it in the meadows of southern Slovakia. We can also see it in South Moravia in the Czech Republic.
You can also see the green praying mantis in my photos. She entered the house and posed for me like this.
The male praying mantis has to be very careful with the female praying mantis. During mating, he approaches her slowly and for a very long time. But after mating, the smaller male must escape to safety as soon as possible. However, sometimes he fails and ends up as food for his partner. It's pretty cruel, but that's nature.
The praying mantis uses its first pair of legs to hunt. They are perfectly adapted for hunting. It attacks its unsuspecting victim with great speed. What the legs started, the strong biting teeth will finish.
Together we learned some interesting information about this insect.
Thank you
Po Slovensky
Tento úžasný hmyz o ktorom si dnes napíšeme sa volá modlivka. Predné nohy má spojené a vyzerá akoby sa modlila. Odtiaľ je zrejme odvodený aj jej názov.
Modlivku môžeme zaradiť medzi väčší hmyz. Je to mäsozravý hmyz a požiera iný hmyz. Na svete existuje okolo 1800 druhov modliviek, väčšina žije v trópoch a ázijský druh hieroduha tenuidentata lový dokonca ryby. Modlivky majú veľké oči a silné odstrašujúce hryzadlá.
U nás na Slovensku žije modlivka zelená. Presnejšie ju môžeme vidieť na lúkach južného Slovenska. Môžeme ju tiež vidieť na južnej Morave v Českej republike.
Modlivku zelenú môžete vidieť aj na mojich fotkách. Vošla do domu a takto mi pózovala.
Na samicu modlivky si musí davať veľký pozor samec modlivky. Pri párení sa k nej pomaly a veľmi dlho približuje. No po spárení menší samec musí čo najskôr újsť preč do bezpečia. Niekedy sa mu to však nepodarí a skončí ako potrava svojej partnerky. Je to dosť kruté, ale taká je príroda.
Modlivka na lovenie používa prvý pár nôh. Tie sú dokonale prispôsobené na lov. Na svoju nič netušiacu obeť zaútočí veľkou rýchlosťou. To čo začali nohy dokončia silné hryzadlá.
Spoločne sme sa dozvedeli zopár zaujímavých informácií o tomto hmyze.
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