One, Two, Trees

"Never say there is nothing beautiful in the world anymore. There is always something to make you wonder in the shape of a tree, the trembling of a leaf".

Albert Schweitzer


Annyeonghaseyo chingu! (hello friends! ), It's me Maya, its been so long since I posted my last blog, which is "Fries: make me Smile". If you don't have read it, you can read it at my post. By the way, how are you? I hope your doing well.

You know what, this past few days I was thinking what kind of blog I need to write. So, when I was looking at my gallery I saw some of pictures that I take every time I saw some different kinds of trees. And now, I created a blog about trees, and why I always taking pictures of trees. Are you ready to know it? Let's get started!


I have many questions in my mind when I saw trees. Questions that needs answer. Questions that make you think deeply, how and why?

Have you ever think how trees look like this? How trees grow with this incredible branches? How trees live less than or more than 100 years? Have you ever think that?

Because me, I was so amaze with their different forms of branches, how they grow like a gigantic. Why trees live that so long?





I take this photo outside of our building in school and sometimes in the windows. Look at the forms of their branches. I just always wondered how old those trees are. I was so curious, and sometimes I questioned my inner self. Because curiosity hits me. Hahaha, I'm not crazy, but I always thinking that way.






One day, me and my friends went to the house of one of our friends which is @jiboyskie123, to do our research. While we are walking to the terminal, we passed these trees, so I stopped and took pictures of it. My eyes were enchanted by its shapes and branches.🤩



This photos was taken in different places. In the left side, it was taken in our plaza, which is Murcia Public Plaza, last January 2024. I like the colors and the formations of their branches. While on the right side, it was taken at Bacolod Public Plaza, last year. Cuz why not? look at colors or the different shades of green of the trees. I love it, it's so refreshing my eyes. 😍🫶🏻



And this two pictures, I was really love it. The Sunset plus the tree, much very well. It looks so ancient and modern paintings. Isn't it? My eyes look at that way, so don't judge me if I was amazed on trees. 🥹 I just really love it though.

Look at the photo very well, there's something else those trees. It tells something emotional, stories or meaning. Right?

But you know what, there's one tree I really want to see. You know the "Major Oak?", if you know it you know what I'm thinking.

You can see the Major Oak in the midst of Sherwood Forest, Nottinghamshire, in England. Major Oak live 800-1100 years old. Yes, you read right. It is one of the oldest and largest Oak tree, the branches of this tree is really cool. 🥰👍🏻

If you don't have idea what is it, you can search it via And you can say what I really mean.

Sir David Attenborough said “Ancient trees are precious. There is little else on Earth that plays host to such a rich community of life within a single living organism.”

So you've reached the end of my blog. I hope you like and learned something. Thank you so much for reading. 😁


Trees are a testament of time. It's amazing that some of them have survived through many generations of people. I've always been amazed by tree rings what other living organism documents it age. They provide so much for us and the environment.

Yes, I agree with you 🙂

I love it!! I had live oak trees in my yard growing up I lived in them!

wow, that's great. I hope I can see Oak Tree.

I have always said that trees are some of the wisest beings we have in this beautiful planet, they keep so much history, they have witnessed how much the environment that surrounds them has changed, the fauna around them, the thousands and thousands of skies. on their crowns, the number of leaves they have created and then detach themselves from them and begin their cycle again and again and again. I find them incredibly beautiful and I feel that they deserve more respect from us. thanks for sharing, greetings.

That's true, I forgot to include how many leaves they produce, thousands, or a million. Hehehe

The beautiful scene of nature touches the heart. The glory of taking wonderful pictures is the evening lights twinkling in the darkness