Winter just doesn't want to go away here. The last few days there has been a ring around the sun signifying frost in the air and also that a system is moving in. It was a cold system with high winds so needless to say we didin't go far for our Wednesday walk but then again we didn't need too for there was lots happening right close to our place.
Filtered View Puts a Real Frosted Look to the Ring Around the Sun
Ring Around the Sun Nestled in the Pine Tree Top
JJ did come out and actually he was a little adventurous for he could walk on top of the snow which froze solid again, he went for a little tour in the bush finding the bare spots.
JJ Checking Things Out From On Top of Fence
JJ Touring in Open Ground Under Spruce Trees
JJ Tight Rope Walking On Fallen Tree
JJ Content to Sit on Bare Patch of Ground
The snow doesn't matter to Bruno he was loping around on it.
Bruno Running Through Snow By Spruce Tree
Bruno and JJ Paw Prints in Fresh Snow
With all this snow and cold there is still lots of birds around coming to the feeder. There is flocks of chickadees, juncos, bluejays and even the evening grosbeak flock came by.
Black Capped Chickadee Sitting in Tree Waiting Turn at Feeder
Cute Chickadee Looking for Seeds on the Ground
The woodpecker was there getting a feed of seeds and also they were feeding on bugs under the tree bark. This woodpecker had come down to the bottom of the tree and it looked like he was eating some snow - must have been thirsty.
Woodpecker Peeking Around Tree Trunk
The white breasted nuthatch was busy grabbing seeds then taking them to the trees to munch on them and I'm sure they were stashing some.
White Breasted Nuthatch Looking Up At Us From Tree Trunk
Junco Checking Out Nuthatch
The bluejays still dominate the place but they stay in the safety of the trees if I get to close.
Close Up Bluejay in Pine Tree
Quite a big flock of evening grosbeaks came to the feeder but the only photos I could catch of them was through the window. when I came out they vacated.
Flock of Evening Grosbeak at Feeder Plus a Bluejay
The birds weren't the only thing coming to the feeder there was a mouse which had tunneled under the snow and came out to get a feed.
Mouse Coming for a Feed Under the Feeder
Plus the squirrels came to have their lunch at the feeder too.
Squirrel Coming to the Feeder for a Meal
Back in the heavier treed area behind our house there was still a fair bit of snow for the sun hadn't been shining on it. Our place by the fire pit still has a deep covering of snow so now cooking over the fire for awhile.
Snowy Scene By Fire-pit
I had turned over some of my rain barrels to catch some of the melt from the snow on the roof but it froze solid with a display of icicles. that will take awhile to thaw too.
Icicle Display on Rain Barrel
This is how JJ wants to spend these cold days - cozy in his comfy chair!
JJ All Cozy on the Lounging Chair
I'll leave you with the sun dropping behind the trees and the ring circling the tree tops -
Sun Drops Behind Trees Leaving It's Ring to Top Off the Tree Silhouettes
herehereThis is my #WednesdayWalk hosted by @tattoodjay go check out his latest post . He collaborates with @elizacheng and her #MakeMeSmile initiative see her latest post
Also my Amazing Nature Contest April #2 2022 entry. See details here
The photos were taken with my Canon PowerShot SX60 HS.

Love the footprints photo... And yup, I will choose to be like JJ, cuddling at the cozy chair daydreaming with a cup of hot coffee or hot chocolate, or maybe a hot mocha 😉...
the ring around the sun in winter is pretty cool to se eisnt it
JJ seemed to be enjoying that there was less snow out there, Bruno just seems to love beign outdoors any time of year
Love all those beautiful birds
Thanks for joining Wednesday Walk :), I truly enjoy exploring the world virtually each Wednesday seeing walks from all around the globe and feeling I am there and experiencing it all myself, such as I did in your post just now :)
Amazing nature indeed! This is a good shot 👌 @porters
JJ and "his" chair. :))
That's one fat mouse!
Still snow covered ground, Spring teasing you a little this year. Nice to see JJ and Bruno out enjoying life.
Birds are so well photographed and mouse enjoying a little to eat as well.
Have a wonderful Easter weekend!
Thank you for entering the competition.
In some areas, the winter is just persistent :-)