do the snails dream?

in WE ARE MOVING5 years ago

Do the snails have dreams?

Actually I do not know correct answer, sources I have been reading in the past, didnt spill any light on this (quite a special, I admit!) question. But animals do sleep not like us, humans, their sleep (generally) is shorter and more discrete, and sometimes its a half-sleep or even quarter-sleep, or just some sleepy condition (whatever this mean).

Here go a few macros from tonight's evening shoot (I added a bit more light processing the .raws, and I used a long exposure -- but you can rely on my words, it was an evening, not any other part of the day!).


So, what is so special with this common well-spread land grape snail? It curved its head and put it upon the shell, and it really, really looked very relaxed, like it is having a rest from all day works. A sleep, or half-sleep, but it wasnt moving anywhere, just rested and -- I thought it maybe A Sleep? Of course, if the snails do sleep at all.

6511w  sleeping_snail.jpg

Now, after sharing those pics, I have educated myself (which is another very nice side of blogging about wild nature!). Quick google search for this specific question, brought me to the answer: yes, the snails do sleep, like any other animals!


Snails can sleep in both day and night time. (Some snails species are mainly nocturnal animals, during the daytime they sleep and save energy for night activity). Normally, snails sleep about 25% of the time, but under favorable conditions, they can sleep 30-40% of the day. When conditions unacceptable, for example, one need to wait out the drought, some snails hibernate (up to 2-3 years, as I've read).

Улитки могут спать и днем, и ночью. (Некоторые виды улиток преимущественно ночные животные, тогда они днем спят и копят энергию для ночной активности). Обычно, они спят примерно 25% времени, но при благоприятных условиях, могут спать 30-40% дня. Когда вокруг неприемлемые условия, например, нужно пережидать засуху, некоторые улитки впадают в спячку (вплоть до пары лет).

Considering this answer to my sudden curiocity may be of intrest to all wild nature lovers, I am adding the post to #AmazingNature contest by @adalger.

location: Russian countryside June 2020 natural lighting
camera/lens: Canon 350D Tamron 60mm raw-conv
f 2.5 t 1/25 ISO 400

As a bonus, one more image: we spent 4 or maybe more hours in a company with this unidentified (yet) nice insect. Can you believe it?! From the start we very careful and hold our breating, considering it can take off in every second, but later understand that it is not going anyway -- maybe it was injured, or too frozen, or just finished its life cycle... I really dont know the right answer to this riddle! But at least I used the time for getting some macro shots. Unfortunately, I have some decent sun light glimpses only in the end of the session, so the slender evening light didnt give me too much chances for excellence...anyway. Enjoy the little preview teaser, the rest will follow soon.


Thanks for stopping by!


Great photo quality. I also love macro photography, we can see what our eyes do not see in everyday life.

Absolutely agree with you!
Но как говорится, нельзя не признать, но нельзя и не согласиться -- чем дольше снимаешь, тем больше понимаешь что камера видит не так как человеческий глаз - макро объектив видит ближе, телевик дальше... а человеческий глаз видит лучше, и в плане ночной аккомодации - светочувствительности, и в плане ширины угла зрения, и в особенности, того что "все в фокусе". макрообъектив, видит резко только пару миллиметров, не более. а все остальное - тютю. поэтому макро фотография это всегда такой сюрприз... отснял 100 кадров, 90 в помойку, и дай бог чтобы один из того что осталось, оказался шедевром. увы :=)

заглянул в ваш блог -- вы макро только чужое любите, сами не балуетесь?..

I did not expect to receive an answer in Russian. It is my native language. To communicate with users of this resource, I use a translator. I don’t know what’s more convenient for you, but I’ll answer in two languages. I like to look at such photos. I do not have a similar camera to photograph myself, but I like to photograph something in focus as close as possible. It turns out beautifully, but a lot depends on the lens. I do not post such photos here, because I am not a professional and there is nothing to look at.

Не ожидал получить ответ на русском языке. Это мой родной язык. Для общения с пользователями этого ресурса я использую переводчик. Не знаю как вам удобнее, но отвечу на двух языках. Я люблю разглядывать такие фотографии. У меня нет подобной камеры чтобы фотографировать самому, но мне нравится фотографировать что то в фокусе максимально близко. Красиво получается, но многое зависит от объектива. Я не выкладываю сюда такие фото, потому что я не профессионал и там не на что смотреть

использовать англ. язык на этой платформе абсолютно правильная идея, но поскольку я тоже носитель языка, мне можно сказать что-то напрямую, без посредничества гугля :)

У меня нет подобной камеры чтобы фотографировать самому,

ясно. ну, если вы все же фоткаете на смартфон, то вам наверняка поможет набор насадок на телефон, что-то порядка 8-10 евро стоит, в него обычно входит 5-6 насадок, широкий угол, рыбий глаз, типа телевик, и макро, к-е как раз то что надо. при наличии хорошей камеры в смарте, и хорошего солнечного света.ю освещающего объект, результат вас наверняка порадует и удивит!

Я не выкладываю сюда такие фото, потому что я не профессионал и там не на что смотреть

ясно. ну, тут 99 % не профессионалы, переживать нечего 8-)

всяческой удачи!

Manually curated by EwkaW from the Qurator Team. Keep up the good work!

@ewkaw, thanks -- I am glad you enjoyed the macro. it may not be great but I am really fascinated myself how it turned out. this snail , sitting ot a vertical tree trunk, looking like some fantastic sea dragon (well, in my imagination, ofc). not an ordinary visual for me.

It's cause snails are awesome! Slimy creatures but so photogenic :)

Into an artificial coma one they fall into :-)))

мм? вы имеете в виду, в случае стресса, если что нибудь с ними содеять, тоже впадают?.. да.

я пошутила :-))) шутка не удалась :-)))

Snails are weird but so cute in their own way. 😁

photo-friendly, aha!
seems snails are like cats -- their photos always find a lot of fans and likes :))))

Wow they can hibernate for years! This is an interesting fact I did not know about. I wonder what could they possibly dream, if they dream at all lol.

Thanks for sharing!

my pleasure, happy you enjoyed it.
(I educated myself too). as for the dreams... I know at least ONE dream the can have.

@creativemary, do check, please:

Self education is always necessary. Thank you!

 5 years ago  

Amazing macro photography @qwerrie ! This snail for sure looks really relaxed 🤣 .. Great that you did that education. I would never had though that snails sleep up to 30% to 40% of the day ! .. But that hibernation is even more fascinating. I just imagine it a bit dangerous for these little fellows.

@adalger, normally, 25%. 30-40% only unger extra beneficial conditions, when they dont need to search food, waste their energy etc.

glad that you enjoyed this little study! PS: photo part of this post was prominent, but I balanced it with research and educating fraction :)))

What an unusual thought about snails sleeping, never asked myself that question so this became some interesting reading. Now in future if it has it's head out and moving I suppose it is awake!

animals sleep other way than humans, so its always intresting to know cool details, for certain examples.
as for the snails dreams... I know at least ONE dream the can have.

@joanstewart, if you have free 5 mins, do check, please, this video:

Ha ha he sure has weird dreams, speedy himself...

Very good photographs.

my pleasure!