The sky appeared to me a few days ago in a peculiar way, while I decided to take some fruits from a tree, observe this image which I wanted to share on my blog, many were the curious, who made comments of bad omens, others said that It was an eclipse, but I knew that I had to investigate in order to clarify those doubts, for me it was a rainbow which bordered the sun, but was it really a rainbow? The phenomenon is scientifically well known as solar halo.
El halo solar, llega a formarse cuando los cristales de hielo que se encuentran en la atmósfera crean el efecto prisma que dibuja una circunferencia de sol en el cielo.
Estudios realizados por científicos ratifican que los cristales de hielo están contenidos en las nubes las cuales se encuentran entre cinco y 10 kilómetros en la parte superior de la troposfera y hacen que se altere la apariencia de la aureola. La reflexión y refacción controlan la forma del halo del sol y las ondas dispersadas de luz modifican los colores que se pueden apreciar, similares a un arco iris con colores rojos y violetas.
The solar halo is formed when the ice crystals found in the atmosphere create the prism effect that draws a circumference of the sun in the sky.
Studies carried out by scientists confirm that the ice crystals are contained in the clouds which are located between five and 10 kilometers in the upper part of the troposphere and cause the appearance of the aureole to be altered. Reflection and refinishing control the shape of the sun's halo and scattered light waves modify the colors that can be seen, similar to a rainbow with red and violet colors.
Cristales de hielo contenidos en las nubes son los responsables de este fenómeno, el cual no es tan frecuente en nuestro cielo. Estos cristales permiten controlar la forma del halo, sumado a que la dispersión de las ondas de luz varía los colores que le son vistos y que van desde el rojo en el interior al violeta en su exterior.
Inverso al arco iris fenómeno óptico y meteorológico con la visión en el cielo de un arco o en ocasiones, de luz multicolor originado por la descomposición de la luz solar en el espectro visible, la cual se produce por refracción, cuando los rayos del sol atraviesan pequeñas gotas de agua contenidas en la atmósfera terrestre, el halo lo integran cristales de hielo.
Ice crystals contained in clouds are responsible for this phenomenon, which is not so frequent in our sky. These crystals allow to control the shape of the halo, added to the fact that the dispersion of the light waves varies the colors that are seen in it, ranging from red inside to violet outside.
Inverse to the rainbow optical and meteorological phenomenon with the vision in the sky of an arc or sometimes, of multicolored light caused by the decomposition of sunlight in the visible spectrum, which is produced by refraction, when the sun's rays pass through small drops of water contained in the earth's atmosphere, the halo is made up of ice crystals.
Fue un placer compartir con todos ustedes mi experiencia con la naturaleza, y espero que disfruten de esta maravilla algún día, ya que no es frecuente observar este halo solar en el cielo y mucho menos en nuestro país.
It was a pleasure to share with all of you my experience with nature, and I hope you enjoy this wonder one day, since it is not frequent to see this solar halo in the sky, much less in our country.