We did Christmas last night and storms put a damper on the fireworks we had planned to light off. We still shot a few up in the air, but it is not the same as when you can stay dry and enjoy them. I rode my strange little motorcycle home in the rain at midnight. Empty streets and no speed limits!
I did take some time away from Hive recently while assisting a few new comers with their new Hive accounts. I had a good time doing it this past week. While away, I still got lots of new and interesting posts lined up - I just have not been home much. I woke up and got out early today. I am writing this one from one of the many secret beaches that inevitably have to exist - all you have to do is head east from any location you like and you will find them.
They exist where the concrete structures end and the river mouth batters the coast. There is plenty of room to walk and hear the waves, I keep my back to the city and look out over the river. There was no noise or traffic today as many slept off last night's festivities.
My youngest came over and we went to lunch after making some adjustments on his bike. You remember, the electric e-bike that he now rides everywhere his heart desires. I have not made a post yet on my new e-wheel but it is coming.
The pre-holiday months are always so jam packed with preparations and business. There is another week to go and I cannot wait to get back to normality. Not sure if I will hit the beaches down south or continue to stick it out here in the city. I am really happy with the way this Christmas unfolded. No arguments - plenty of food, fun, and smiles. Peace and tranquility were the dominant features - even the rain was light and peaceful.
I hope everyone had a blessed and wonderful Holiday and may you all have a safe new year as well.