Rainy Days Keep Coming - by Sunscape

in WE ARE MOVING2 years ago


New York has had some very torrential downpours for 4 days this week. Usually, we have nice soft rainfalls that we enjoy watching from our back porch. However, this week we have had very high winds with very heavy rain causing some flooding in the area.


At times the wind was so strong that it made me nervous being outside due to the very large Maple tree near the house. In past storms, we have lost many branches but thankfully, this time we were spared.


These are all pictures taken from my back porch during the rain. The winds were so strong that the rain drenched the porch furniture from all sides. Even the lens on the camera was getting wet as I tried to capture the moment.


The rain was so heavy that many of my plants in the garden were knocked right down. These potato plants in the grow bags are laying right over. It took a lot of them a couple days to recover from being pummeled.


The sky was so black with storm clouds that it looked like it was dusk outside in the middle of the day. It was a very eerie feeling to be sure.


The water on the patio pavers is over 2 inches deep which gives you an idea of how heavy the rain was falling.


Even my little pond was to the top and overflowing which was a first. I wonder how the frogs were feeling during it all. ;-)


I put a pale under one of the rain chains to catch a bit of water for my houseplants. I do this often to give my plants a treat from tap water. I know that they really enjoy it too. They seem to perk up and even green up a bit when I do so.


Sometimes I am just amazed at how quickly mother nature can take a turn. For most of the month of June, we had no rain, and then bam, nonstop for a week now. I am hoping the sun comes out today so that I can get out to mow the grass which is quite tall now.


Finally the rain slowed down and it felt peaceful once again. It did take quite a while for all the water to disappear from the pavers around the porch. Now, with all that water who could resist taking off their shoes and playing in the puddles. Oh yea, that's right I did!

Have a wonderful 4th of July to all my fellow North Americans and I will see you soon.

Until next time, this is Sunscape
Sun. Scape. Ing Your Day

3- sun smile.jpg


It seems that it has rained a lot. The photo where you can see the flowers in the rain looks beautiful.

Oh how I miss seeing such heavy rains!
Hehe playing in puddles is awesome :D

I love the rainstorms too and of course the puddles, always!

Manually curated by ewkaw from the @qurator Team. Keep up the good work!

We have the same! A whole week of rainstorms!

Wow, you too? This weather has been so odd as it never rains this much in one week.

Just saw the news about bad flooding in China! It seemed the heavy rains have spread around the globe!

Here it is July 10 and it's pouring like your photos, again, and supposed to keep on all day and into tomorrow. Oh, well, I've plenty of inside stuff to do, and the temps and humidity are much lower than they've been...