Four weeks ago, I did a Thursday Tree Love post showing some little bits of autumn color peeking out in the woods behind our house. Two weeks ago there wasn't enough of a color difference to warrant revisiting the woods, so I did a throwback post instead. For this edition, not only did I get some Fall foliage color to share, I also got video of a haunted leaf in the forest!
But before I get started, a quick shout out to my WordPress blogging friend Parul to say thank you for hosting this awesome blog hop every couple of weeks. If you want to join in the Tree love blog hop fun, it's wicked easy - here's the description from her latest post today, called #ThursdayTreeLove – 116:
Thursday Tree love is a photo feature hosted on this blog on every 2nd and 4th Thursday of a month. The next edition will go live on October 28, 2021. If you would like to play along, post a picture of a tree on your blog, tell me where did you spot the tree and link it back to this post.
If you don’t see the pingback, please leave a link to your post in my comments section. Please make sure that your post’s link is showing up on this latest edition. I will link your posts on my blog in the next edition and spread some love. Let’s come together to appreciate the beautiful nature around us.
Before you go, don’t forget to check the lovely trees shared on #ThursdayTreeLove – 115: (see Parul's post for all the links)
As for these photos, as per my usual FYI - these were taken in the woods next to my Durham, NH home with my Nikon, sometimes using my tripod. All were resized, then cleaned up a bit with PicMonkey - mostly the exposure and sharpness, but with a few other tweaks like vignette filters for the corners here and there.
Now on with the photos...
Fall foliage and a haunted leaf
1. I didn't get a picture of this spot 4 weeks ago, and now I'm kicking myself because it would've made for a great comparison shot. Lots of color popping out now.
2. Love having the blue sky background - really makes the colors pop!
3. Lots of pops of color on the forest floor too.
4. And of course I had to pick the leaf up and get a macro against the blue sky.
5. Shooting foliage, as I've
whined mentioned before, is frustrating - for example, the colors here were much more vibrant in person. I love my camera but it just couldn't do justice to how gorgeous this is.
6. From colors against the sky, to colors on the ground - a fresh coat of bright leaves were everywhere I looked.
7. The sight overhead.
8. Same view, zoomed in a bit.
9. A closer look at the red and golden leaves.
10. While I intended to go through the photos from last month and do before & after shots to show how much green was gone, I forgot load up the pictures on my phone before I headed into the woods so for the most part, I ended up taking shots in the same general vicinity. Like this one...
10a. ...compared to this one in kind of the same location from back on September 10th, 2021.
11. And this one...
11a. ...which is in the same general spot as this one from last month.
12. And somewhat ironically, this is the shot that's probably the closest match to last month's, but you can't really see much of the foliage color in it!
12a. This is the shot from September - and even without the color being evident, you can see how the emerald green is fading.
13. The color here didn't really pop either, but you can see all the newly fallen leaves brightening up the ground.
14. And sometimes even the green, slowly turning to yellow, made for some color pop too.
15. Another leaf I found on the ground that I held up in front of my camera.
16. While not as colorful as the others, I think this one is my favorite leaf closeup shot.
17. The late morning sun peeking through.
18. I'd actually taken a bunch of pictures late day yesterday, but the setting sun made for some dull lighting.
19. So glad I went outside again today.
20. Another leaf closeup.
21. We still at least another week or two of foliage to look forward to, so I might do some more foliage shots for the next Thursday Tree Love. I never get tired of seeing the blue sky, with puffy white clouds, as the background for the beautiful fall colors.
22. For some reason, this shot (particularly the leaf in the center) reminded me of pumpkins. Maybe I'll call them, "pumpkin spice leaves"... lol!
23. One last shot at the view above me...
24. ... then one last leaf picked up from the ground below.
As for that haunted leaf I mentioned in the title - as I was walking through the woods (round about picture #13), the breeze picked up and along with lots of leaves and pine needles raining down on me, I noticed a leaf near the ground that seemed to be defying gravity. I recorded a video just over a minute long & thought it was kind of cool, how it was floating through the air as if by magic. Then when I watched it on my computer, I realized someone had hitched a ride on it!
Did you spot the little spider scurrying around under the fold of the leaf near the one minute mark? If I'd noticed him while I was filming, I would've recorded longer. And given how much the wind was whipping that leaf around, I get the feeling the poor little guy is still dizzy!
Hope you enjoyed my photos of fall foliage and my video of a haunted leaf. Happy Thursday Tree Love everyone!

Thanks for stopping by!

My posts may occasionally contain affiliate links. If you click through,
I might get a wicked small commission, with no extra cost to you.
My photographs are taken with my trusty Nikon,
sometimes utilizing my handy dandy tripod.
Blog graphics created on Canva
All words and images are mine (unless otherwise indicated),
and can also be found on my various social media sites.
Speaking of witch which...
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How I wish to experience autumn too! We don't have this in the Philippines. Of course the trees here are already majestic even without changing colors, but I also long to witness different faces of nature.
I feel the same about the sea in Hungary. There is no sea in/around my country.
Everyone loves a bit of good autumn. Korea has some great foliage
Ha llegado nuestra estación del año, los acuarelistas, como los buscadores de setas, esperamos con ansia que llegue el otoño. Que los campos y los bosques se llenen de esa variedad de colores que van del verde intenso al rojo purpura, pasando por una amplia variedad de ocres, amarillos, naranjas, sienas y marrones. La naturaleza se viste de otoño y los acuarelistas, atraidos por esa miel cromática, abandonamos la quietud de nuestras colmenas urbanas y nos desparramamos por esos bosque vacíos, intentando de alguna manera captar en nuestras acuarelas esa belleza que la naturaleza nos regala. Viva el otoño.
These photos are beautiful. I love autumn leaves! Thanks for sharing 😀
Nature is definitely generous and looking at your great pictures confirms it. I love the orange of autumn that then gives way to the reborn and beautiful spring. I like very much these photos and the text that accompanies them. Thanks for sharing them, dear @traciyork. I send you a hug back!🤗😘♥️
Wow those fall colors are incredible and the photos amazing
I absolutely love those looking up posts
Have a great weekend
Haha! That haunted leave was just awesome. I noticed the spider, but, not until I was already creeped out. :) That was good.
The forest is alive with the sounds of color! Oh, what a difference a few stray days make, yes? I am seeing the change here, and except for Thursday which was overcast, the colors are pretty brilliant with the sun hitting them in just the right place. I went out to Arlington National Cemetery and wow! They are the best source for color around. I think they purposely planted trees that would make it showy at this time or added some maples to the mix.
I really like the idea of the before and after, too late for it this year for me, but, I think I might try that next year. I like the yellow leave best too. Elm? I love Durham, such a pretty place. I went to school up there for one year outside of Rochester and we played Durham. If I remember correctly, they pretty much kicked our butts, but, I could remember it wrong.
Great colors and I so love Autumn. But, Mother Nature, please don't take away my summer quite yet!
Happy Autumn, Lovely.
The difference a month makes from the green leaves to the brilliant fall foliage. We don't get quite that much of a colorful fall season here in Texas. Only place that I can think of that comes close is the Lost Maples State Natural Area.
Thanks for sharing the natural beauty in your corner of the world. 🍁
thanks for 1 hive and nice post I loved the picture of nature
Wonderful shots and such a magnificent range of colours and hues in there too.
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